Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q577: I am 100% TDIU with SMC S, & K. Also, education benefits for my spouse. I have been rated T&P not P&T. Is there a difference between P&T and T&P? Also, the VA has said I am considered for no future exams. What does that mean?

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A1: Get the answer from your SO. I too am TDIU..and have nothing to worry about! (DE) 11/22/20
A2: You will be left alone. Go to eBenefits and get a print out of your summary. If it says Permanent and total and then says yes you are good. If not contact VA some one gave you bad info. (BB) 11/22/20
A3: T&P is final, Totally and Permanent is the end of the road. The fact that they indicated No Further/future exams are required is T&P. They cannot take it away from you unless you were proven Fradualent in your claims. (RS) 11/22/20
A4: No difference in this term you are considered totally disabled permanently with no future exams that would adjust your rating. (KS) 11/22/20
A5: TDIU, is individual unemployable where the VA awards 100% when you qualify for it with 60 to 90% disability. With that it is T&P, where you get 100% with disabilities that makes you permanent and total. (GR) 11/22/20
A6: T & P is temporary. P and T is permanent and able to work. (MJ) 11/22/20