Those That
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Q556: I lost my job several months ago due to COVID-19 and now I am struggling to pay my bills, especially my car payment. I called the VA and explained my situation. I was passed around from department to department for over an hour, very frustrating. One worker mentioned a special VA program to help make my car payments until I find another job. She was unclear how it worked or where to go. My question, has anybody heard of a VA program that makes your car payments until you are able again? How do I apply?

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A1: VA has a Car Allowance program for disabled veterans who qualify but I do not know of any Car Payment program. (RI) 10/31/20
A2: Contact the Service Organization that you should belong to and speak to the VSO. VSO's normally have a fund to help veterans. You can contact the Salvation Army, the Church you attend or another non-profit in your area. Without knowing all there is to know regarding your situation I cannot give you odds on being successful. Also call 211 in your area as they either can assist or put you in the right direction. VA as far as I know does not make car payments. What ever you do, do not go to a pay day loan or another type of loan company and get caught up in a bad situation. Go to your bank, your credit union, in-laws or your relatives for assistance. (GH) 10/31/20
A3: NO SUCH THING! Unless you're receiving compensation because of a claim and you pay your car payment with VA Compensation. (RA) 10/31/20
A4: I don't know of any program the VA has to assist veterans other than service connected disability that can really help out tremendously. You could check with the VFW, DAV, American Legion or if you have a Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter in your area for assistance. (GR) 10/31/20
A5: Its not the VA but every state has a veterans commission. Look under your county service's they have a program for emergency help. My county offer's financial help with utilities, house or rent payments and a food voucher. There mission is to help you with shelter and food. That will free up some money's to pay other bills. You have to fill out paperwork to show how much you have coming in vs how much is going out. That helps determine your benefit. (JP) 11/1/20
A6: Sorry, no such VA program exist. (RJ) 11/2/20