Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q568: I am 100 percent disabled, do I qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI), if so, do I lose my VA disability if approved for SSDI or do I receive both?

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A1: My DAV Service Rep suggested I take my eligibility letter from the VA to Social Security to apply for disability. It was almost automatic once I showed them that letter as well as the packet I submitted to the VA. I now get both. (KW) 11/17/20
A2: I now receive both. Social Security denied me, so I obtained a lawyer, it took quite a while to get approval. Hope you have a lot of "Hurry up and Wait." (DC) 11/17/20
A3: You get BOTH. You contributed to both, right? You served your time in the service, and you put money in your social security every pay day. In fact, here is a tip: If you are having a lot of trouble with VA, you might try fighting Social Security. You can use a lawyer to fight them, and they get paid a percentage of that first SS check. I had VA saying I was something like 70% disabled, and I filed for SSI. I saw an ad on TV for a lawyer who specialized in SS cases. He got the data from VA, sent me to a few other doctors, and filed my case with SS. In the end, the judge said that I was unemployable because of my bad back and my other problems combined. Once I had a federal judge saying that, it was MUCH easier to get VA to agree. I can not guarantee your success, but if you and the lawyer lose the case with SS, you owe the lawyer nothing. (JM) 11/17/20
A4: I've been receiving both since I was 2010 I was 100% disabled IU and 100% SSDI, I was only 60 at the time. After you reach retirement age you get same amount from SS but it's considered just SS. (PC) 11/17/20
A5: Both programs stand independent. You can draw both if you can get each approved. (RJ) 11/17/20
A6: You will qualify for SSI because you are disabled American. And a Veteran at that!! (RJ) 11/17/20
A7: I have been 100% VA disabled 35 years and have received SSDI every year. So... to answer your ultimate question "Do I loose me VA Disability...", NO! You are entitled to both. Even a VA Social Worker will help you. Mine did 35 years ago. (GH) 11/17/20
A8: Yes you can get both. (JC) 11/17/20
A9: You can apply for SSD if you are not pass full retirement age and you can collect both. Go to and apply for disability and see what they say. You may need to get a lawyer who is good with those claims. (GR) 11/17/20
A10: I just got in contact with Social Security and I am 71 and they said if I was under 65 and had enough quarters in would be eligible for social security retirement but a lot of it had to do with income. The best thing to do is call social security and be on hold for 2 hours to talk to someone. If you paid into social security then you might have a chance and if so would not effect your VA disability. As for me would have to work for 15 months at 5 hours a day and with my back and tailbone area so painful would never be able to do it. As is better off with the VA disability for would lose the 10 percent unemployability and that would mean about $1,700 per month to gain maybe $700 per month on social security. All options they will explain but call and get the information from them or go online and maybe you can download the information to look over completely. Best of Luck. (JM) 11/17/20
A11: You get both, I did and when you have the one already it is easy to get the other. (MC) 11/17/20
A12: Sorry for my question, why go this route to receive a reply Johnny on the spot by just calling the SS Administration & VA? That way you get your answer from the very source, they will give you the Regulations, verses from John Dow who may or may not know the answer. If you find out, I would love to know the answer. Good luck. (CB) 11/17/20
A13: You are entitle to received both. I'm 90% VA and receiving SSDI. (MA) 11/17/20