Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q597: My lawyer 20+ years ago advised me to wait until they changed the laws to apply for back dated benefits. The C&P examiners said in the 1980’s and two more times after until the VA finally listened and gave me benefits. My question, has there been any decisions regarding that the VA must go with what their own C&P examiners say and give back dated benefits to the date of this situation?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: My suggestion is to go to your local VSO or DAV. They have an abundance of knowledge and can assist you. I hope this helps. (RC) 12/3/20
A2: In your question you do not say what the disabilities that the. VA give you benefits The date effective of claim is the date filed, and compensation is paid the first of the next month. (GR) 12/3/20
A3: I suggest you contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, DAV, VFW, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. They will not charge you for the correct answers as there are some changes in benefits and dates for back pay. The days of the "Jack Pot" compensation awards are long gone. Your Attorney of 20+ years should have known that. (GH) 12/3/20