Those That
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Q614: I have been waiting 8 years for a final decision and it is taking a toll on my health and my mental health. I am stressed out having severe headaches. Please, can someone help me?

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A1: Contact your congressman, he'll have a veteran affairs aid. Once they get involved it usually happens fast. (TF) 12/23/20
A2: You need to provide more info. Contact DAV, American Legion or another Vet Org. If it is 8 years check ebenefits. (BB) 12/23/20
A3: Please call this number it's White House Veteran Complaint Line. After Donald trump became president this help center was established. I've called it numerous times regarding disability issues. They have always been helpful and have sped up the process for me by making a few phone calls.Most of the people on the other end of the line are disabled veterans also. Speak to them calmly and lay out what is happening to you. I can't guarantee that you will get instant help but odds are you will have better understanding of what's going on and how they can help.Don't get gruff with them. They are there to help. (MM) 12/23/20
A4: First, send an inquiry to determine if your case is still open. If it is, ask for a status. If it is closed, open a new claim. See if it was denied, and if you did not respond in a year, it gets closed. Make certain you file it correctly. Contact a VSO near you for assistance. Claims don?t take that long. Once your claim is decided, you can appeal the date. Good luck!! (JM) 12/23/20
A5: Contact your Congressional Representative, they can help. If you are near one of their local offices, go to it and talk to them. I had a problem once and went to the local office, the person there listened to me then picked up the phone, dialed a number, said this is Representative XX's office and I want to talk to the head of the department. When that person answered the office worker said I have someone who wants to talk to you and handed me the phone. I got to talk to the top guy, told him my story and a week later got results along with the firing of the person handling my case who had put my, along with many others, claims in his desk and did nothing with them. Never be afraid to use any legal means to get to the top person who can do something about your problem. (JB) 12/23/20
A6: You need to write a letter to your Senator telling him all about your situation. (TF) 12/23/20
A7: I would need more information to be able to give you a proper answer. I would think that the VA would have sent you letter asking for information and somehow it got misplaced. Unless you have an appeal after one year the claim dies if nothing has been done on it by the Veteran. (GR) 12/23/20
A8: As a volunteer with DAV, I cannot offer legal advice but I can suggest that you go immediately to your local DAV Chapter and get the help you are looking for. (LH) 12/30/20