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Q607: I understand that bladder cancer is now a presumptive SC disability from Agent Orange Exposure. Do I have to reopen a claim for bladder cancer or will VA go back and just grant me SC? Also, I am impotent due to Agent Orange exposure Do I have to reopen previous claim?

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A1: I suggest that you talk to a VSO or DAV Representative. They are up to date on these matters and can assist you. It is better than listening to "sea lawyers" who just give their opinion with no references or experience. I wish you well to get this resolved. (RC) 12/18/20
A2: It is the VA's responsibly to go back to the date of your original claim rate you and back pay you from the date of that claim. (KS) 12/18/20
A3: I just read the-military order of Purple Heartbreak said bladder cancer has been approved by the feds. I have 90% rating now. I lost my leg in Vietnam along with other stuff. I had bladder cancer two years ago and they had to remove my bladder. I did serve in a agent orange operating area. (DB) 12/18/20
A4: As soon as President Trump signs this bill into law it will be effective. How long will it take the VA to go back and rework the claims that have been denied is anyone guess. No, you will not need to reopen it the VA will automatically o back an rework those claims. (GR) 12/18/20
A5: My urinary bladder cancer claim was long ago canceled by the VA. About three months ago, I received a letter from the VA stating that my cancer was accepted as a presumptive disease associated with exposure to Agent Orange but I would not get any back compensation from the date of my claim. (FR) 12/18/20
A6: There is a bill that is finding its way through legislature. There was talk of adding bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism to the list of presumptive diseases. Hypertension was not on the list to be added on the bill passing the Senate. Bladder cancer in the bill that they are trying to get passed, but not yet. If you have not already done so, File for service connection for bladder cancer secondary to AO exposure. The VA will deny since it is not yet on the presumptive list. That would establish a date in the event bladder cancer gets added to the list. Like past AO claims, VA sometimes goes back to the earliest complaint of the disease to award the effective date. If you have previously been denied and appealed, just wait it out. (DS) 12/18/20
A7: However, the VA MAY NOT go back and look for past bladder cancer claims unless you ask / authorize them to do so by filing a claim to "reopen" their decision. Of course, until the decision is signed into law by the president, which may or may not happen, the specifics of the process to file for bladder cancer could still be month, if not years, down the road. My recommendation is this, wait until the bill is signed into law, file a claim to reopen any past denials. Good luck. (TB) 12/18/20