Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q596: My husband died after 4 yrs in service of non-related to any non-active war related situations. Don't know if I am eligible for any VA pension/benefits? Could someone please let me know if I am eligible for benefits.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: You may qualify for a "spousal benefit", which most people call a "widow pension." You should go to your local VSO or DAV and ask them to help you apply. I hope this helps. (RC) 12/3/20
A2: Contact the DAV representative in your area. (BF) 12/3/20
A3: Was your husband still on active duty? There are other questions that I would need to ask but space on this response is to small to ask. (GR) 12/3/20
A4: Contact an Accredited VSO with the DAV, VFW, Am Legion, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take a copy of his DD-214, Death Certificate, Marriage Document and receipts from the funeral home. An Accredited VSO can answer your questions and can seek assistance in obtaining compensation if merited. (GH) 12/3/20