Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q552: Served Army 1956 - 1958. I left with the understanding it [my time in service] was sort of a hole in benefits. Was it correct?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Contact an Accredited Veterans Service Officer with the VFW, DAV, Am Legion, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take a copy of your discharge (DD-214) they will explain your entitlements within the VA system. Also bring your military health records if you have them, if not the VSO can request copies. (GH) 10/25/20
A2: You served right after the Korean War, it was sort of peace time, unless you served in Korea there could be a possibility of some disability compensation. I would need more information as to where you served, what was were your duties to be able to tell you what disabilities you might have. (GR) 10/26/20