Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q562: I am a 70 year-old veteran service-connected at 70%. I was wondering does VA Aid & Attendance program pay for or offset assisted living care? I will need to move into an assisted living facility very soon and as you probably realize the cost of an assisted living facility is very expensive. I’m trying to figure out how I will afford to live in one.

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A1: Talk to th VA Assisted Living people. Some assisted living will not take Veterans due to requirements. (BB) 11/11/20
A2: You can receive Aid and Attendance, you need to have a Doctor to fill it out the form, sign it and send it to the VA. (GR) 11/11/20
A3: Contact VA social worker at your location. At 70% rating VA will pay for assisted living/nursing home if medically required. (PL) 11/11/20
A4: Contact an Accredited Veterans Service Officer from the DAV, VFW, Am Vets, American Legion or another Veterans Service Organization. Take your Decision Letter from the VA that awarded you compensation. The VSO can review and also give you guidance regarding A&A. You should contact the VSO who assisted you with your claim and get his/her advice. (GH) 11/11/20
A5: As far as your compensation goes, the answer is no. If you were on the wartime pension w/ special monthly pension, the cost of the assisted living facility could be used as a continuing expense if you were rated at the Aid and Attendance rate (needing assistance with at least two of the activities of daily living). (DS) 3/22/24