Those That
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Q559: I have many injuries from my days in service and many disease conditions. I’m not service-connected right now for anything but I want to know what are the easiest disability claims to win?

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A1: I have a hearing loss and tennitus resulted from my service with the USN. (HE) 11/3/20
A2: Some of the easier claims to win are probably based on Agent Orange exposure and presumptions with respect to certain illnesses. (RI) 11/3/20
A3: It's not about trying to win anything when it comes to VA disability ratings; it's about filing a claim for service connection that is legitimate. If you truly have conditions from your service might be rated under the VA compensation system, you need to file. What I always recommend is getting yourself logged into the eBenefits system as well as MyHealteVet. If you're getting services with the VHA, under MyHealtheVet you will be able to pull up your problem list and, using the conditions identified, file a claim for service connected disability for all possible conditions listed which might lead to a service connected disability rating. You can file yourself without outside assistance if you have at least basic computer skills. I'm not sure where you're physically located but I would be willing to talk with you further if you have any questions. (TB) 11/3/20
A4: The disabilities you can claim are dependent on which war or area you were stationed. (BF) 11/3/20
A5: The VA will sort out what is easy and what is not. (RJ) 11/3/20
A6: Hearing loss is probably one of the best ways to get a service-connected disability especially if you were exposed to daily loud noises such as artillery fire, jet or turboprop engines, boilers, compressors, aerospace ground equipment, etc. Presumption for hearing loss is made for anyone who worked on the flight line, on aircraft carriers, or served in combat and were exposed to artillery or small arms fire. Talk to a good Veteran Service officer (VSO) for assistance in filing a claim. Hearing loss can be rated at 100% if severe enough. I have 50% hearing loss due to my time spent working on military aircraft. (AB) 11/3/20
A7: Look at the presumptive list of deasease caused by agent orange. If your issue is there......You're IN....if not id say tinnitus and or hearing loss. (GM) 11/3/20
A8: The easiest claims to be approved for are the ones from military medical service records and your personnel records of where you were assigned to. I always recommend to review page by page and highlight any medical conditions from your service time. Also, highlight from your service records your assignments to and from dates are important. Any combat-related deployments also should be stressed when placing your claim in. The process takes a while and you should know this and not give up if you think your claim is valid. Buddy statements are just as valuable to claims as service records. (JM) 11/4/20
A9: If you are a Viet Nam vet it is going to be hard to win. The VA just makes it harder for us to get claim approved. Go to DAV service Rep and tell them your story and get help. You have to have all your ducks in a row and sometimes provide proof about injuries. (JL) 11/4/20
A10: What you need to do is contact an Accredited Veterans Service Officer from the VFW, Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take to him/her your DD-214 and explain your disabilities. They can assist you in filing a claim. I use the "Calusa Triangle" in explaining how to file a successful claim. Number 1. In Service Event: When, Where, How. 2. Current diagnosis. No Diagnosis. No Service Connection. 3. NEXUS; (Link-cause & Effect Connection) "Or a Doctor's Statement" "It is as least likely as not due to Military Service". There is no such thing as an easy Claim. They are either successful or not successful. (GH) 11/4/20
A11: STUPIDITY. Look around at those who are really in need of VA help. Paralyzed, lost limbs, PTSD, lung issues, toxic and radiation exposure, etc. I am applaud at this question. Hope they print this. (SS) 12/11/21
A12: My answer has to be: hearing loss - service connected (10%). (YR) 12/11/21
A13: There are no easy claim to file and win. All disabilities are process the same way, have documentation in your service treatment records, have documentation for the diseases as some might be classified as presumption under agent Orange or the gulf war syndrome. (GR) 12/29/21