Those That
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Q547: Was collecting AA for 18 mos while on pension. When I was rated at 100% TDIU it stopped. My service connected disabilities have gotten worse. I’ve had two different PCP certify I need it with documents. Why would VA take it away? I thought AA was need based. So frustrating. Suggestions?

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A1: Time to get a lawyer. Request an C and P exam. Have the VV to request all of your medica records from all of your doctors in the VA system and private doctors. Fight!. (TP) 10/23/20
A2: What was the reason the V.A. gave for stopping the AA. It good be they sent you a letter and you did not response to it. You could file a 20-0995 supplement claim and show the documentation why you need this benefit. For me there are more questions to ask you but space does not allow for that. (GR) 10/23/20
A3: Pension is income based/means tested. The increase of income may have caused the reduction of A&A. When they awarded the TDIU, they should have considered A&A and discussed what they decided, in the award letter. If they didn't you may have a CUE (clear & unmistakable error). (RH) 10/24/20
A4: Contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take your correspondence from the VA to assist the VSOs in getting you the right answers to your problems. Also. have you contacted the Service Officer or individual that filed your initial claim? It appears that you are drawing VA compensation for injury or disease that has been deemed service connected. VA pension is for war time veterans living below the poverty level. (GH) 10/25/20