Those That
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Q583: Just how long does it take to receive low vision sunglasses? I submitted my prescription on 09-24-2020 and I haven't got them yet. I've called the VA Loma Linda, CA Prosthetic Dept. several times. On Oct 20, I was told my prescription was being processed and it would take 2 to 3 to receive my glasses, Nov 9, no glasses. I called again and I was told someone will call with 48 hrs for an update, no one called. I called again on Nov 20 same answer someone would call in 48 hrs again no one called. I called again on Nov 24 with the same answer, someone will call back in 48 hrs. Last year 2019, I didn't get the glasses at all; I'm wondering what's going on? Who do I contact to get some results?

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A1: Complain to patient advocate. I'd message them through my healthy vet account. Message admin to request patient advocate contact. (LK) 11/25/20
A2: Contact the patient advocate at your VAMC, for help. (RH) 11/25/20
A3: I would go to the eye clinic where you had the examination and have them to do a inquiry to the eye glass company and see what is the hold up for your glasses. It has taken me about three weeks to get my glasses through the VA. (GR) 11/25/20
A4: Call the doctor or therapist that put in the order for the glasses. They would be in a position to directly communicate with someone in Prosthetics. Otherwise you can get the PO number from Prosthetics and call the vendor from which the glasses were ordered (to determine the problem). That doesn't solve the issue of poor communication by your Prosthetics service but you will finally get the glasses. You also have a Patient Advocate at your facility who can do it all for you. The Patient Advocate is an expert at addressing Quality Management issues. Never let things slide so long that you become angry, as there are staff ready to intervene on your behalf. (SJ) 11/25/20
A5: Being they are taking so long and not answering you I would call my U S Congressmen/women and get them to get the VA to give you an answer. (AH) 11/25/20
A6: Call the hospital patient representative. Report the problem to him/her and record with whom you spoke to and their phone number and date and time. Advise them that you will follow up after 3 business days with the VA Office of the Inspector General and always do what you say you will do. (RF) 11/26/20
A7: Call the Patient Advocate, They have gotten things straightened out for me before. (BN) 11/26/20