Those That
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Q592: I'm 100% VA Disabled, I'm over 65, I applied for VA Pension. They said I qualify for Pension but I can't receive VA Disability and the Pension. I would have to choose between the two. Is it fair to discriminate because I'm disabled even though I qualify for low income?

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A1: You cannot collect a pension and disability at the same time. The VA will pay the highest of the two. Most time disability is the higher than pension. Another thing pension is affected by how much Social Security you receive and is taxable. Disability is tax free. (GR) 12/2/20
A2: If you are receiving VA disability compensation at the 100% rate that amount is more than twice what you would receive if you switched to non-service connected VA disability pension. Plus the pension program counts all of your income each year just to keep your pension. VA disability compensation never counts your income. If you are receiving disability compensation at the 100% rate, which should be over $3,000.00 monthly, stick with it and forget about pension. This is not discrimination. VA always pays the disabled veteran the higher rate of the two programs which the veteran qualifies for. (KG) 12/2/20
A3: You cannot draw both. Only the higher and 100% compensation is much higher than Pension. Before you venture off on your own again. I recommend you contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, DAV, Am Legion, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. An Accredited VSO would not have advised you to seek a pension. Never listen to the "Stockade Lawyers." (GH) 12/2/20
A4: I am 100% and receive disability, don't quote me but I have been told that a pension is taxable and disability is tax free. I do not pay taxes on my disability at all. (AM) 12/2/20
A5: That can be a tough situation for someone who has no other sources of income but Pension and disability payment are really meant to serve 2 (usually) different populations. I am sure that 100% disabled pays more than pension And it is non-taxable. (AR) 12/3/20