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Nexus Letter
Did you know a “Nexus Letter” is usually required to grant a secondary disability? Although the nexus letter will not need to prove the condition is from your military service, it will need to prove the secondary condition is caused or aggravated by the current service-connected disability. These letters are most often needed from medical professionals to show the connection between the primary and secondary diagnosis.
VA Has A Duty To Assist
Did you know the VA has a “duty to assist” veterans in helping them obtain their medical records to support their VA disability claim? At the same time, it is the veteran’s responsibility to provide any and all evidence that they wish to submit to the VA to help support their claim. Very important for the veterans to take charge, especially when most veterans allege the VA puts in very little help in retrieving medical records for veterans.
Bill To Close Gap
Did you know a bipartisan legislation sponsored by U.S. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is set to close a current gap in care for military veterans living with early-stage dementia, and is set to be signed into law by the President as part of a broader veteran benefits improvements package? The State Veterans Homes Domiciliary Care Flexibility Act, which Sen. Collins introduced in August 2020 with cosponsors U.S. Sens. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Angus King (I-Maine), received congressional approval from both chambers of Congress as part of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, H.R. 7105.
Survivor Benefits for Dependents
Did you know if you are providing at least half of a minor grandchild's financial support, and the natural parents are deceased, disabled or otherwise unable to regularly contribute to that support, the child can collect dependent or survivor benefits when you retire, become disabled or die? If you are already on Social Security when a grandchild comes into your care, you must legally adopt the child for him or her to receive benefits on your record.
Drug Prices Reduced
Did you know a program run by Social Security and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), can reduce prescription drug expenses for low-income Medicare beneficiaries by up to $5,000 a year? The aid can be put toward premiums, deductibles and copays related to a Medicare drug plan. Call 800-772-1213 for help.
Fake COVID-19 Tests
Did you know thousands of scammers are using the COVID-19 pandemic to make money off veterans and their families? Scammers are contacting veterans offering free fake COVID-19 home tests kits. A few stealthy scammers have set-up fake COVID-19 relief charities asking veterans to donate to help other veterans. Make sure you verify all charities before giving.
Veterans Fail To Apply for VA Compensation
Did you know many veterans often fail to file claims for a disability either because they are not aware that they can, or because they don't think their disability would be eligible for VA disability compensation? Disabilities need not be combat or even work related; they can be the result of playing ball, falling out of bed, participating in unit PT, or involved in a car accidents while on leave. Any veteran with a current health problem that they believe started on active duty or was aggravated as a result of their active duty service should consider filing a claim with VA.
VA Cash-Out Loan
Did you know a VA cash-out refinance loan allows eligible veterans to refinance their existing mortgage loan and convert their home’s equity into cash? By doing so, homeowners can potentially borrow up to 100% of their home’s appraised value, providing them the opportunity to access these additional funds for personal use.
Did You Know?

Unemployment Benefits Taxed
Did you know unemployment benefits are federally taxable? If you’ve been receiving unemployment benefits, you will receive a 1099 from the IRS and you will be taxed on unemployment benefits.
Suicide Prevention Chat
Did you know The VA National Suicide Prevention Hotline Veterans Chat enables veterans, their families and friends to go online where they can anonymously chat with a trained VA counselor? Veterans Chat can be accessed through the suicide prevention website. You may also call 800-273-8255 24/7.
Free Hearing Aids & Eyeglasses
Did you know VA will provide hearing aids and eyeglasses to veterans who receive increased pension based on the need for regular aid and attendance or being permanently housebound, receive compensation for service-connected disability, or are former POWs or Purple Heart award recipients? Otherwise, hearing aids and eyeglasses are provided only in special circumstances, and not normally occurring hearing or vision loss.
Three New Presumptive Conditions Approved
Did you know As of January 1, 2021, more veterans afflicted with serious life-ending diseases are now presumed to have three new illnesses placed on the presumptive list due to their exposure to Agent Orange? Senators voted to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It’s the first time the President’s veto was overridden and in doing so the Act added three more conditions to the Agent Orange presumptive-conditions list wherein veterans who served in Vietnam may qualify for benefits. The three new conditions added include bladder cancer, thyroidism and Parkinsonism, or Parkinson-like symptoms.
Dependents Encouraged To Apply for Benefits
Did you know if you’re a family member of a Vietnam-era veteran who has died as a result of one of the newly added presumptive conditions (i.e., bladder cancer, thyroidism and Parkinsonism, or Parkinson-like symptoms), you’re encouraged to apply for VA benefits on the veteran's behalf?
Contaminated Military Installation
Did you know groundwater and soils at Camp Pendleton are contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), spent oils, fuels, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, metals and herbicides? Although groundwater provides drinking water to the entire installation, the current drinking water supply is within drinking water standards. The site is being addressed in four long-term remedial phases focusing on cleanup of soils (landfills, surface impoundments), groundwater and remaining areas.
Military Records
Did you know military personnel records are open to the public 62 years after a service member leaves the military? You can find veterans’ military service records from World War I to the present in the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). Simply call NPRC or submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by mail.
Survivor Benefit Plan
Did you know the creation of the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) in 1972 allows a military retiree or retirement-eligible service member to ensure a continuous lifetime annuity for their dependents by paying monthly premiums for a maximum of 30 years?
Correction of Military Records
Did you know a correction board may consider applications for correction of a military record, including review of a discharge issued by court-martial? The veteran, survivor or legal representative must file a request for correction within three years after discovering an alleged error or injustice.
Gulf War Registry
Did you know VA’s Gulf War Registry Health Exam alerts veterans to possible long-term health problems that may be related to environmental exposures during their military service? The registry data helps VA understand and respond to these health problems more effectively.
Means Test
Did you know Public Law 107-135, the VA Healthcare Enhancement Act of 2001, directed the VA to implement a Geographic Means Test to help determine VA health care eligibility? This test uses the Department of Housing and Urban Development geographic-based low-income standards as the threshold for VA’s GMT. These low income-based limits represent 80% of median income in each county. Each county has a different HUD GMT value.