Those That
Did You Know?

Claim Missing Money is officially endorsed by National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. The website will assist you in thoroughly searching all participating states to find your family's missing, lost, and unclaimed property, money and assets. has the most updated information for the state and provincial offices. Searches and claiming are always FREE. Information goes securely and directly to the state/provincial unclaimed property office.
Safe Harbor Supports Veterans
One thousand seriously wounded, ill and injured servicemembers are now enrolled in Navy Wounded Warrior (NWW) - Safe Harbor, the Department of the Navy's support program for Sailors and Coast Guardsmen. NWW has also assisted more than 960 other servicemembers who do not qualify for enrollment but still require support. The program's goal is to enable servicemembers to focus on getting well, while its team of experts resolves pressing non-medical concerns and prepares enrollees for transition back to active duty or civilian life. Services include linking wounded warriors to benefits, connecting them to employment and education opportunities, hosting adaptive athletics events, and sharing family and mental health resources. For more information about NWW and how to enroll, call 1-855-NAVY WWP/1-855-628-9997.
National Directory
The National Resource Directory is a federal government website that connects wounded warriors, Servicemembers, Veterans, families and caregivers to thousands of services and programs at the national, state and local levels that support them during recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration. Visitors to the website can find information on topics such as post-traumatic stress disorder, military and Veterans' benefits, health care, educational opportunities, homeless assistance, employment and much more. Throughout the past few months, more than 60 new resources have been added to the NRD, bringing the total number of resources that can be accessed from the site to nearly 15,000. For more information, visit the National Resource Directory website at
Wounded Warriors Expedite Airport Screening
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will offer expedited screening to severely injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces. In addition to offering curb to gate service for our nation’s Wounded Warriors, these individuals will also be eligible to move through security checkpoints without having to remove shoes, light outerwear jackets or hats.
To be eligible for this service, a Wounded Warrior or traveling companion should email the Military Severely Injured Joint Services Operations Center,, or call 1-888-262-2396 with itinerary information for the traveling party. Traveling companions will receive standard screening.
New Presumptive Conditions Under Consideration
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is considering adding five new suspected conditions to its list of illnesses that are caused by exposure to Agent Orange?
VA has recognized a number of different cancers and other health problems related to Agent Orange exposure and other herbicides used around veterans during their military service. When and if the new diseases under consideration are included on the presumptive list, veterans and their survivors may be eligible for benefits and compensation for the new conditions.
The new health conditions related to Agent Orange exposure under consideration by the VA include: bladder cancer, Parkinsonism, hypothyroidism, stroke and hypertension.
Former VA Secretary, David Shulkin said, “After thoroughly reviewing the National Academy of Medicine latest report … I have made a decision to further explore new presumptive conditions for service connection that may ultimately qualify for disability compensation.”
Veterans of Foreign Wars Unmet Needs Program
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Unmet Needs Program offers grants up to $1,500 to eligible veterans, service members and military families.
The VFW program can directly pay eligible expenses with no obligation of repayment. VFW also provides referrals to other organizations should additional assistance be required.
VFW Unmet Needs Eligibility
Applicants must be the service member, veteran, or eligible dependent listed under the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
The financial hardship must be due to one of the following:
- Currently on active duty, whose financial hardship is a result of a current deployment, military pay error, or a discharge for medical reasons.
- Discharged on or after September 11, 2001, whose financial hardship is a direct result of military service connected injuries and/or illnesses.
- Discharged prior to September 11, 2001, on a fixed income that must include VA compensation for a service connected injury/illness and facing an unexpected financial hardship.
The financial hardship cannot be caused by:
- Civil, legal or domestic issues, misconduct, or any issues that are a result of spousal separation or divorce.
- Financial mismanagement by self or others, or due to bankruptcy.
All grants are paid directly to the creditor and applicants must provide the most current bills due.
Painful Motion Factor
Did you know that CFR Title 38 mentions that with any form of arthritis, painful motion is an imperative factor of the disability, the facial expression, wincing, etc., on pressure or manipulation, should be carefully noted and definitely related to affected joints? Muscle spasms will greatly assist the identification. Sciatic neuritis is not uncommonly caused by arthritis of the spine. The intent of the schedule is to recognize painful motion with joint or periarticular pathology as productive of disability. It is the intention to recognize actually painful, unstable, or malaligned joints, due to healed injury, as entitled to at least the minimum compensable rating for the joint. Crepitation (grating or crackling sound or sensation of bones or cartilage rubbing together) either in the soft tissues such as the tendons or ligaments, or crepitation within the joint structures should be noted carefully as points of contact which are diseased. Flexion elicits such manifestations. The joints involved should be tested for pain on both active and passive motion, in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing, and if possible, with the range of the opposite undamaged joint.
With any form of arthritis (except traumatic arthritis) it is essential that the examination for rating purposes cover all major joints, with especial reference to Heberden’s (bony growths that develop on the finger joints. Most commonly develop on the joints nearest to the fingertips that cause the fingers to appear crooked or broken) or Haygarth’s nodes.
New Travel Benefits
Did you know there are two types of travel benefits available?
1. General health care travel: This benefit covers regular transportation, like car, plane, train, bus, taxi, or light rail.
2. Special mode transportation: This benefit includes special types of transportation, like an ambulance, ambulette, or wheelchair van.
Veterans may be eligible for one or both benefits, but to qualify veteran must meet all requirements and be traveling for care at a VA health facility or for VA-approved care at a facility in their community.
IRS Recovery Rebate Credit
Did you know that if all or part of your first or second stimulus check never arrived, you might be able to claim it as an IRS Recovery Rebate Credit on your tax return even if you don't usually have to file taxes? This is a complicated recovery rebate process, but, consulting with an accredited CPA might be helpful.
Women Veteran Coordinators
Did you know that Women Veteran Coordinators (WVCs) are located at every VA Regional Office (VARO)? WVCs provide specific information and comprehensive assistance to women Veterans, their dependents and beneficiaries concerning both VA benefits and related non-VA benefits. Call or chat with the Women Veterans Call Center at 1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636).
Accreditation Search Index
Did you know the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) is raising public awareness about a tool to protect veterans and claimants from companies who may be targeting them or their potential benefits? VA has created an Accreditation Search Index that helps veterans find VA approved claims processors. The index provides state-by-state contact information, as well as a downloadable list of Veterans Service Organization (VSO) representatives, attorneys and claims agents who are ready to assist with preparing VA claims in an ethical and lawful manner.
Ongoing Treatment Necessary
Did you know consistent medical treatment for your service-connected disabilities is crucial? It not only ensures that your conditions are properly managed but also provides a continuous record of your ongoing health issues. Regular medical treatment helps establish a strong connection between your disabilities and their impact on your daily life, supporting your claim for a higher disability rating or maintaining current rating.
This Area Leads Nation
Did you know the VA recently announced that zip code 37042 leads the entire nation in Veteran PACT Act-related compensation benefits since the PACT Act became law in August 2022? Where is zip code 37042 you ask? Clarksville, Tennessee!