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Wall of Honor
A Place for Mom has created the “Wall of Honor” to highlight U.S. veterans and pay tribute to the men and women who have played a critical role in our nation’s history. This tribute offers family and friends the opportunity to celebrate a loved one that has served in the U.S. military by sharing a treasured photo along with military and life highlights, and personal messages.
Catastrophic Injury
Veterans who are 100% service-connected IU may be eligible for an additional monthly entitlement of $62.50/mo for catastrophic injury.
Specially Adapted Housing
Certain veterans and service members with service-connected disabilities may be entitled to a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant from VA to help build a new specially adapted house or buy a house and modify it to meet their disability-related requirements. Eligible veterans or service members may now receive up to three grants, with the total dollar amount of the grants no to exceed the maximum allowable. Previous grant recipients who had received assistance of less than the current maximum allowable may be eligible for an additional SAH grant.
Eligible veterans who are temporarily residing in a home owned by a family member may also receive assistance in the form of a grant to assist in the veteran in adapting the family member’s home to meet his or her special needs. Those eligible for a $50,000 total grant would be permitted to use up to $14,000 and those eligible for a $10,000 total grant would be permitted to use up to $2,000. (See eligibility requirements for a different grant amounts) However, VA is not authorized to make such grants available to assist active duty personnel.
Eligibility for up to $50,000: VA may approve a grant of not more than 50 percent of the cost of building, buying, or adapting existing homes or paying to reduce indebtedness on a previous owned home that is being adapted, up to a maximum of $50,000. In certain instances, the full grant amount may be applied toward remodeling costs. Veterans and service members must be determined eligible to receive compensation for permanent and total service-connected disability due to one of the following:
1. Loss or loss of use of both lower extremities, such as to preclude locomotion without the aid of braces, crutches, canes or a wheelchair.
2. Loss or loss of use of both upper extremities at or above the elbow.
3. Blindness in both eyes, having only light perception, plus loss or loss of use of one lower extremity.
4. Loss or loss of use of one lower extremity together with (a) residuals of organic disease or injury, or (b) the loss or loss of use of one upper extremity which so affects the functions of balance or propulsion as to preclude locomotion without the use of braces, canes crutches or a wheelchair.
Three Great Benefits for Aging Veterans
There are numerous veteran benefits available to aging veterans, including some recently implemented programs.
For many veterans, aging, along with changes in physical health and income, makes them eligible for benefits they previously didn't qualify for years ago. Here's some information about what's now available.
1. The Injured Veterans Grant Program offers as much as $10,000 to those who sustained serious injuries during combat after 9/11. The Veterans Trust Fund is also available for various service-related causes.
2. Housing is another benefit. The Homeownership Assistance Grant for $5,000 is available for those purchasing a home in many states (not all).
3. The Disabled Veteran's Homestead Tax Credit is a new benefit from 2014 that provides 100 percent exemption of property taxes for 100 percent disabled service-connected veterans and indemnity compensation recipients. The Property Tax Exemption will reduce a veteran's assessed home value for property tax purposes by $1,850. To qualify, one must have service during war or 18 months of peacetime.

Did You Know?
Reduction In Opiod Use
Did you know health care professionals for the VA saw a large decrease in opioid use among veterans with chronic pain who participated in a special pilot wellness program? A pilot program was launched at 18 VA flagship locations across the United States to evaluate the approach and its impact on veterans. Veterans who used Whole Health services had a threefold reduction in opioid use compared to those who were not using the new approach. The VA also found veterans with eight or more visits to their VA health care facility who used this approach showed a 38% decrease in opioid use compared to just an 11% decrease among veterans who did not use the new approach.
Veterans Reimbursed
Did you know the American Rescue Plan will set up procedures to waive and reimburse VA copays that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic? The VA received $1 billion to waive most copays charged for VA health care and prescriptions during the pandemic. Some copays will be reduced significantly. The VA can also reimburse for payments submitted starting April 6, 2020, and running through September 30, 2021.
Funding Fee Exemption
Did you know veterans who receive VA disability compensation, as well as those who are eligible for disability compensation but receive retirement pay instead, are exempt from paying a VA funding fee for a home loan? Also, surviving spouses of veterans who died in service or as a result of a service-connected disability are also exempt from the VA funding fee.
New Benefits for 2021
Did you know new VA initiatives for 2021 include a focus on mental health programs for veterans, better hiring and management practices for the VA itself, and increases in VA compensation?
Benefits In Tragic Cases
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides benefits to survivors and dependents of veterans who have passed, even in tragic cases of suicide? According to VA regulations, the surviving spouse may be eligible for benefits if VA can connect the suicide to a service-connected illness or injury.
Benefits Restored
Did you know U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) introduced a bipartisan Bill to ensure that the estate of a deceased U.S. military veteran is reimbursed if the veteran was found to be a victim of fraud? If enacted, the Restoring Benefits to Defrauded Veterans Act, H.R. 5966, would specifically require the U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs to reissue misused benefits to a beneficiary’s estate in cases where the beneficiary predeceased reissuance, and would provide reissued benefits to either the veteran’s estate, successor or next inheritor.
Veterans With Parkinson's Disease
Did you know Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second-most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s in the U.S.? One million Americans live with Parkinson’s today and of those, approximately 110,000 veterans with Parkinson’s receive treatment through VA. While the exact cause of Parkinson’s is unknown, research suggests that its cause can be linked to genetic and environmental factors. For some veterans living with Parkinson’s, the disease can be associated with exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service.
Free Legal Service
Did you know the American Bar Association created a program specifically for veterans to help with a wide range of legal issues? Attorneys from all states volunteer with the ABA to offer legal services for veterans free of charge.
Legal Services for Veterans
Did you know the Legal Services for Veterans (LSV) program aims to increase access to legal services to eligible veterans through the award of grant funds and by promoting Medical Legal Partnerships and VA-affiliated legal clinics throughout the Veterans Health Administration (VHA)? LSV is a component of the Veterans Justice Programs (VJP) within the VHA Homeless Programs Office.
Automobile Allowance
Did you know the VA Automobile Allowance and Adaptive Equipment program is part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability benefits program? Eligible veterans can get a one-time payment of up to $22,355.72 (as of June 2023), which you can be used to buy a specially equipped vehicle to assist with a veterans’ service-related injury. In some cases, veterans can get adaptive equipment grants to modify a vehicle in accordance with the disability. For instance, a veteran might add features like special brakes, seats, windows, power steering, or lift equipment to make entry and exit more accessible.