Those That
Did You Know?
Do You Know About Other Compensations?
- If a veteran has a service-connected rating of 60% - 90% that causes unemployability, the veteran may be eligible for compensation at 100%.
- If a veteran is hospitalized for 21 days or more, or inconvalescent care for one month or more for service-connected disabilities, the veteran will be compensated at 100% during the time period.
- Any veteran rated 10% or more for a service-connected disability is eligible to receive training from Vocational Rehabilitation Training program.
- Any veteran rated 10% or more for service-connected disabilities may have the Home Loan fee waived.
- If your service-connected disabilities are disabling to the point you are unable to hold down steady, gainful employment, you may apply for total disability. To apply, visit your VSO or nearest VA office and complete VA Form 21-8940, which is the Veteran’s Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability.
- Compensation payments are exempt from claims made by creditors. With certain exceptions, compensation payments are not assignable and are not subject to attachment, levy or seizure except as to claims of the United States government.
How to Rate a Mental Disorder
Did you know when evaluating a veteran for a mental disorder, the rating agency shall consider the frequency, severity, and duration of psychiatric symptoms, the length of remissions, and the veteran’s capacity for adjustment during periods of remission? The rating agency shall assign an evaluation based on all the evidence of record that bears on occupational and social impairment rather than solely on the examiner’s assessment for the level of disability at the moment of the examination.
Example: An examining psychologist must take into account the veteran’s entire psychological history that may have a determining factor on an accurate diagnosis.
Those Denied Purple Heart Should Reapply
Did you know active duty and reserve component soldiers, as well as veterans, who were denied Purple Heart awards for concussive, mild traumatic brain or severe traumatic brain injuries are encouraged to resubmit documentation for reconsideration of the medal? The injury must have occurred on or after September 11, 2001. Active duty and reserve component soldiers must resubmit through their chains of command. Veterans should submit packages directly to Army Human Resources Command. They can obtain copies of their deployment orders from the Veteran's Inquiry Branch by emailing Veterans will also need to submit their DD Form 214
Horse Therapy for Veterans
Hanging out with horses - not riding them, but just being in a barn, or arena or field with them - may have therapeutic value for people dealing with issues of all sorts. The nonprofit organization Reins of Change in rural Elgin, Illinois offers quality mental health services, personal growth and educational opportunities for people, utilizing Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and the Equine Assisted Growth & Learning Association (EAGALA) model. EAGALA is the leading international nonprofit association for professionals using equine therapy to address mental health and human development needs. Equine Specialists at Reins of Change work with mental health providers who specialize in particular areas. The organization provides services for eating disorders, anger management, self-injury, ADHD, addiction, anxiety disorders, depression, grief, OCD, PTSD, and other mental health issues. For more information, call 847-464-5177 or email:
SNAP Benefits
Programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can help pay for groceries. The average monthly SNAP benefit is currently around $127 per person. Other programs that may be available include the Emergency Food Assistance Program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, and the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program.

First With No Military Experience
Did you know if Denis McDonough is confirmed as the next Veterans Affairs Secretary, he won’t bring any personal military experience with him to the job, becoming only the second non-veteran to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?
Vaccination Shots for Caregivers
Did you know designated family caregivers of veterans participating in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers can receive COVID-19 testing and vaccinations? Each facility will determine its own start date based on site-specific resources, needs and vaccine availability.
Free Retreat
Did you know Patrol Base Abbate offers free-of-cost retreats in Big Sky Country for eligible veterans, where they can reconnect with their warrior spirit, foster community through shared interests, and re-discover purpose in service to each other, their families, and their communities?
Tax Preparation
Did you know Liberty Tax Service announced an initiative to help veterans and active duty military families with their 2020 tax preparation? Participating locations of the nationwide network of dedicated tax professionals are offering special pricing to all active duty and retired military and veterans, to help the country's service members get every deduction they're entitled to as part of the recently launched "Say hello to Liberty" campaign.
The Difference for Veterans
Did you know a veteran with mesothelioma cancer is different than a civilian with mesothelioma because of the two different systems veterans need to navigate? Veterans may have access to both civilian and VA medical systems as well as compensation options from the VA and civilian legal systems. This makes connecting early in the process with specialists who understand military service and asbestos exposure so important.
Illinois War Bonus
Did you know for veterans of World War II, a bonus payment of $10 per month is available for those serving domestically and a $15 payment per month for service on foreign soil is payable to veterans that were residents of Illinois at the time of entering service, who have served at least 60 days on active duty between the dates of September 16, 1940, and September 3, 1945, and who received an honorable discharge? Survivors of veterans are entitled to receive a one-time benefit of $1,000 if the veteran died as a result of service-related conditions during the specified time period.
Secret War
Did you know the United States fought secret wars in Laos and Cambodia, dropping large quantities of Agent Orange in each of those countries? According to one estimate, the U.S. dropped 475,500 gallons of Agent Orange in Laos and 40,900 in Cambodia. Because Laos and Cambodia were neutral during the Vietnam War, the U.S. attempted to keep secret its wars, including its bombing campaigns against those countries, from the American population and has largely avoided compensating American veterans and CIA personnel stationed in Cambodia and Laos who suffered permanent injuries as a result of exposure to Agent Orange there.
Special SSDI Program
Did you know SSDI recipients may be eligible for student loan forgiveness programs? These programs can help alleviate the burden of student loan debt for individuals who are permanently disabled.