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VA Independent Living Program
The Independent Living program is to make sure that each eligible veteran is able, to the maximum extent possible, to live independently and participate in family and community life increasing their potential to return to work. Services may include the following:
- Assistive technology
- Specialized medical, health, and / or rehabilitation services
- Services to address any personal and / or family adjustment issues
- Independent living skills training
- Connection with community-based support services
Eligibility Requirements
Primarily for veteran's whose service-connected disabilities are so severe they are currently unable to purse an employment goal.
How Is The Determination Made?
When a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) determines that employment goals are not currently feasible. An evaluation of the veteran's independent living needs will be conducted. The VRC and veteran will work together to identify the veteran's needs. Together they will determine services required to address the identified needs. An individualized Independent Living Program will be written providing the services necessary to meet the veteran's identified needs. Referral to specialized rehabilitation facilities and/or for consultation with other rehabilitation professionals may be necessary in the development and implementation of a veteran's ILP.
For more details about eligibility or how to get started see a certified Veterans Service Officer (VSO) in your area.
Agent Orange Pay
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is distributing disability
benefits to Vietnam Veterans who qualify for compensation under new liberalized rules for Agent Orange exposure?
Up to 200,000 or more Vietnam Veterans are potentially eligible to receive VA disability compensation for medical conditions recently associated with Agent Orange. The expansion of coverage involves B-cell (or hairy-cell) leukemia, Parkinson’s disease and ischemic heart disease (IHD).
Providing initial payments – or increases to existing payments – to the 200,000 or more veterans who now qualify for disability compensation for these three conditions is expected to take a long time, but VA officials encourage all Vietnam veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and suffer from one of the three diseases to make sure their applications have been submitted.
VA has offered veterans exposed to Agent Orange special access to health care since 1978, and priority medical care since 1981. VA has been providing disability compensation to Veterans with medical problems related to Agent Orange since 1985.
If you believe you qualify for Agent Orange compensation see a certified Veterans Service Officer (VSO).
Are You Eligible for SMC?
Did you know that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) program may provide you with benefits in addition to, or instead of, your disability compensation if you have loss (or loss of use of) a limb, sight, speech, hearing, mobility, sexual organ or functioning, or if you have certain other disabilities? You may also be eligible for SMC if you are unable to leave your house or bed without help, or in need of regular help from another person in your daily activities.
Somewhat different from the VA's disability compensation program, which compensates you for lost wages, SMC compensates you for non-economic losses, such as your personal inconvenience and loss of use of a body part, or body system.
No Money Out of Pocket
Did you know NewDay USA, one of the nation's leading VA mortgage lending companies, enables thousands of veterans struggling in this COVID-19 economy to take advantage of an unprecedented opportunity to either refinance their mortgage or purchase a home with no money out of pocket and a monthly payment typically equivalent to what they are paying to rent? CALL 844-451-1589 Today!
Did You Know?

Home Improvement
Did you know Medicare does not typically pay for home improvements? However, if you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage—Part C plan, it may offer some aid for home modifications based on need. Contact their Medicare Advantage provider to see if this is available.
Emergency Notice
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently issued an emergency notice email to all veterans about a false news story on a satirical site that veterans are misconstruing as true? The false article states President Joe Biden ordered the VA to withhold health care benefits from veterans who refuse to receive coronavirus vaccines. The story was published by an online website in Ohio, which describes itself as a satire and parody entertainment website.
Veteran Owned Businsesses
Did you know that veterans own roughly 9% of all small businesses in the United States and employ more than 5 million Americans? Veteran entrepreneurs play an important role in the U.S. economy.
Medical Foster Homes for Veterans
Did you know VA Medical Foster Home (MFH) program, through partnering with Home Based Primary Care provides an alternative to nursing home placement for veterans? It provides an alternative to a veteran who may be chronically or terminally ill with limited social support by offering a home and family setting for their long term care needs.
Protected Veteran
Did you know the U.S. government defines a protected veteran as: (1) Disabled veteran. A veteran who is entitled to compensation under laws administered by the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or those who were released from active duty due to a disability. (2) A recently separated veteran. A veteran released or discharged from the Armed Forces in the last three years. (3) An active duty wartime or campaign badge recipient veteran. A veteran that served on active duty during one or more of the periods of war outlined by the U.S. military. (4) An Armed Forces service medal veteran. A veteran that served on active duty in any campaign that who has been authorized a campaign badge.
Tax Exemptions
Did you know some states allow veterans with full or partial service-connected disabilities to qualify for the following property tax exemptions: A tax exemption on a home and land on the same parcel that is classified as owner occupied and either titled solely to the veteran or jointly with a spouse and a tax exemption on up to two private passenger vehicles owned or leased by a veteran or jointly with a spouse?
Disability Payouts
Did you know 3.9 million veterans (19.5%) received disability compensation payments in 2018? Almost 1.5 million veterans (7.3%) received military retirement benefits and more than 600,000 veterans received pension payments. There were more than 450,000 households receiving survivor benefits from VA or military benefits in SIPP — meaning a household without a veteran that received benefits. Recipients of survivor benefits may include a veteran’s spouse, children or parents.
Disability Payouts May Be In Danger
Did you know almost 36% of veterans receive disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)? During the World War II and Korea eras 11% of veterans received disability compensation. According to the Heritage Foundation, the disability compensation system cannot sustain the rate of increase without itself breaking the rest of VA’s vital services, principally direct health care.
VA Offers Bariatric Endoscopy
Did you know the VA now offers bariatric endoscopy procedures to help veterans lose weight, reduce comorbidities and enhance recovery time? This minimally invasive procedure is an effective alternative to traditional bariatric surgery and has been shown to have a faster recovery time. Interested veterans should seek a referral through their primary care manager.
Government Headstone
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, and for no charge, a government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death? For eligible veterans who died on or after November 1, 1990, and whose grave is marked with a privately purchased headstone, VA may also furnish a headstone or marker to supplement, or a medallion to be affixed to, a privately purchased headstone.