Those That
Automobile Dealership Fees You Should Never Be Required To Pay
Did you know automobile salespeople are trained to get you to ignore certain line items on the automobile sales tag? When buying a new car or truck, don’t be fooled or manipulated into spending more money than you should. Oftentimes, many of the small fees listed on the sales tag or purchase order are the responsibility of the dealership. Watch out for them. These are eight fees you should never pay.
- Dealer preparation charge: This ridiculous charge might be listed on the window sticker addendum. This fee should be included in the retail price of the automobile, not added as an additional expense for you to pay. Have dealership remove it.
- Fabric protection: This is nothing more than a scam. A made-up fee to see if you’ll bite. If you are really concerned with protecting your seats, buy some seat covers or old fashion Scotchguard.
- Paint protection: Another made-up fee. All new cars and trucks have paint protected by warranty if rust occurs. And, most automobiles today are made from high-tech plastics.
- Rustproofing and undercoating: From the dealers point of view…this is for suckers. The risk of rust developing on your plastic automobile is just about nonexistent. Besides, most warranties cover rusting. You don’t need it.
- Vehicle identification number etching: Dealerships work hard at selling you this unnecessary “security feature.” They will try and sell it to you as an additional security in case your vehicle is stolen. Body shop specialists and law enforcement are well aware that crooks scratch out all VIN etching when a vehicle is stolen. Besides, most insurance policies covers stolen cars. Don’t let ‘em getcha.
- Advertising fee: This scam is as old as the auto industry. Like most businesses, automobile dealerships pay to advertise their business, and they will try and pass on the fee to you. Don’t fall for it!
- Tire Nitrogen fees: Some slick salesperson may attempt to sell you this nonsense, but don’t take the bait. It’s completely unnecessary. Regular air will do the job.
- Reconditioning fee (for preowned automobiles): If you’re purchasing a preowned automobile you need to keep an eye out for this unnecessary expense. It’s not your responsibility to get an automobile ready for the showroom or car lot, it is the responsibility of the dealership.
Your Online VA Profile
Did you know VA is empowering veterans to manage their information through a simplified, personalized experience on, called VA Profile? Once signed into the website, veterans can view, update and change their contact information, such as phone number, email, home and mailing address. Update here.
COVID-19 Testing Results
Did you know COVID-19 cases are surging across the country? More people than ever are getting tested. Do you know about the different tests available? To better understand how these tests work and their main differences click here.
Medal of Honor Pension
Did you know the monthly pension paid to Medal of Honor awardees will be paid to their surviving spouse upon the death of the veteran? Surviving spouses receiving Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) are not eligible for the pension. Did you know the current Medal of Honor pension is $1,406.73 a month (as of: January 2025)?
Life Insurance
Did you know by 2023, the VA will allow all veterans to obtain life insurance? A new law requires the VA to offer all disabled veterans under age 81 a whole-life policy by that date. The program will be similar to Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI); however, veterans must sign up for VGLI within 16 months after leaving the service. The new insurance program will have no such time limit. Insurance policies will be limited to a $40,000 payout for most veterans when the program begins.
Did You Know?

New Chief of Staff Member
Did you know Gen. John Raymond, Chief of the U.S. Space Force, will become the eighth member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? General Raymond formally joined the group Monday, December 14, 2020. The Space Force, currently under the U.S. Air Force, was established in 2019 as a planned separate branch of the U.S. military command.
National Guard & Reservists Eligible
Did you know the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe Veterans Health Case and Benefits Improvement Act includes a provision that extends VA loan eligibility to full-time National Guard and Reserve members deployed domestically? The Bill allows National Guard members who, as defined under federal Title 32 orders of the U.S. Code, have supported operations regarding COVID-19, natural disasters and social unrest in the U.S., to credit their service toward home loan eligibility requirements.
Recognizing New Category of Veterans for Compensation
Did you know in a nationwide class decision released on December 17, 2020, the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) ordered the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to reexamine how it evaluates disability claims of veterans exposed to ionizing radiation in a 1966 nuclear cleanup operation at Palomares, Spain? The Court’s decision is a long-awaited step towards recognizing Palomares veterans’ service and ensuring they have access to the benefits they earned.
Memorial Benefits
Did you know within the next two years the VA will begin paying the costs to transport a deceased veteran's remains to state and tribal veterans cemeteries? Currently, the VA will pay only to transport a deceased veteran's remains to a national veterans cemetery.
VA Helps With Vehicle Purchase
Did you know financial assistance, in the form of a grant, is available to purchase a new or used automobile to accommodate a veteran with certain disabilities that resulted from an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during active military service? The grant may also be paid if disabilities are a result of medical treatment, examination, vocational rehabilitation, or compensated work therapy provided by the VA. The grant is paid directly to the seller of the automobile for the total price (up to $21,488) of the automobile. The Veteran may only receive the automobile grant once in his/her lifetime.
Wilkie Asked To Resign
Did you know as of December 2020, Vietnam Veterans of America Inc. recently called for VA Secretary Wilkie to resign his post?
Delivery Service Partner
Did you know Amazon’s Delivery Service Partner program empowers entrepreneurs to build their own small businesses delivering Amazon packages in their local communities? Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) and their drivers are an integral part of what Amazon refers to as the last mile – transporting packages from their delivery stations to their customer’s front door.
Free Suits for Veterans
Did you know the nonprofit organization Save A Suit provides free suites to veterans? Also, Save A Suit hosts national events to provide veterans with professional business attire as well as the services needed to pair them with employment opportunities.
Veterans & Caregivers Get Free Access
Did you know veterans and their caregivers can get free access to a Fitbit membership designed to improve sleep, manage stress and help veterans increase their physical activity thanks to a new partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs and Fitbit? The program will give up to 10,000 users a one-year free membership to Fitbit Premium. To find out about program click here.
Troops Faced With Significant Levels of Contaminants
Did you know a newly released research report warns that troops who served overseas since 2001 faced significant levels of airborne contaminants both while on duty or at rest? This underscores the potential long-term health risks facing all individuals who deployed. The research, conducted by the National Jewish Health and the United States Geological Survey, found high levels of silica and other particulate matter in the lungs of troops who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait and other Southwest Asian locations.
Panama Canal Zone Benefits
Did you know at least 400 veterans who served in the Panama Canal Zone (PCZ) have now developed cancer, heart disease, or other health issues consistent with herbicide exposure? However, they have been consistently denied the disability compensation and recognition they desperately need and deserve. This may soon change thanks to a new bipartisan effort being formulated on Capitol Hill.
Only One Account
Did you know student veterans who have their GI Bill benefits directly deposited into a different bank account than their other veterans' benefits account will have to choose one account to receive all payments by April 20, 2024? The change is being made as part of the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) overall efforts to update the GI Bill payment system and is intended to curb fraud, according to a top VA official.