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Material In Burn Pits
Did you know burn pits contained a massive ash heaps that served as ad hoc sanitation systems? Some of the material in these smoldering pits included sensitive military records, medical and human waste, paint, and other forms of trash.
State Governments Pay
Did you know the federal government largely makes the policy affecting military and veterans affairs, but state governments pay for and manage a variety of programs that represent substantial investments in active-duty service members, veterans and their families? In addition to connecting military members to federal resources, each state offers additional benefits and services in areas such as employment, taxes, behavioral health, education and housing. States also oversee the National Guard and run state veterans cemeteries and veterans homes.
IU Defined
Did you know a veteran rated 100% IU with Total & Permanent status means the veteran is considered permanently disabled and unemployable due to their service-connected disabilities? This provides a stable and secure stream of compensation, potentially additional benefits for the veteran's family, and generally no further evaluations or reductions in benefits unless fraud is detected. The veteran's condition is deemed permanent, and they are not expected to recover or be able to work again.
Most Contaminated Military Installation
Did you know the military base that is most contaminated and dangerous for people is Camp Lejeune in North Carolina? This U.S. Marine Corps base has been linked to severe environmental contamination, particularly of its water supply, which affected thousands of service members, their families, and civilian employees from the 1950s to the 1980s.
New Presumptive Conditions
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has started the process to designate multiple myeloma and acute and chronic leukemias as linked to military service in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and elsewhere? Those who are covered include post-9/11 veterans who served in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen, and those assigned to the Persian Gulf region, including Somalia, on or after August 2, 1990.
Compensation for ED
Did you know depression is a common condition that can be directly linked to erectile dysfunction (ED)? Veterans who struggle with depression often experience a decrease in sexual desire and a diminished capacity for intimate connections, which can result in ED. Depression affects brain chemistry, altering levels of serotonin, dopamine, and other key neurotransmitters involved in mood and arousal. This imbalance can make it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection.
Veterans To Get Better Access To Military Installations
Did you know the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD) recently announced an improved installation access process for Veterans and eligible caregivers for medical appointments, shopping, and certain morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) services? Veteran and caregiver eligibility will now be electronically verified during the installation access process. Eligible Veterans who do not have a VA-issued Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC), as well as eligible caregivers, can enroll for installation access at the visitor center using their REAL ID Act-compliant driver’s license or non-driver’s identification card.
Did You Know?
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Air Force Leads The Way
Did you know as of October 2024, the U.S. Air Force has the highest percentage of women in its ranks compared to other branches of the U.S. military? Women make up about 20% of the active duty force in the Air Force, which is higher than the percentages in the Army (16%), Navy (18%), and Marine Corps (9%).
GERD As Secondary Condition
Did you know gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can possibly be connected to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a secondary condition for a higher VA disability rating and additional compensation?
You Must Have Trackable Income
Did you know to qualify for Social Security benefits, you must have worked for a certain number of years and paid Social Security taxes during that time? This is tracked through Social Security credits, and the number of credits required depends on your age when you apply. In most cases, you need 40 credits (about 10 years of work that was trackable by the Social Security Administration).
American Legion Is A Driving Force
Did you know the American Legion was a driving force behind the establishment of the Veterans Administration (VA) as a federal agency? Initially, veterans' services were somewhat fragmented, but through lobbying and advocacy, the American Legion helped push for a more centralized, organized approach to veterans' care and benefits, ensuring that those who served would receive the necessary support.
Veterans Home Loan Fairness Act
Did you know the Veterans Home Loan Fairness Act is a piece of legislation aimed at improving access to home loans for veterans, active-duty service members, and their families? The specific provisions of the bill may vary depending on the version or the year of the legislation, but the overall goal is generally to address disparities in the home loan process for veterans and ensure they receive fair treatment when seeking mortgage financing.
Gulf War Veterans Affected
Did you know the disease that affects Gulf War veterans the most is Gulf War Illness (GWI), also known as Gulf War Syndrome? Gulf War Illness is a complex, multi-symptom disorder that affects veterans who served in the 1990-1991 Gulf War, primarily during the conflict with Iraq and its allies (Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield). While the exact cause of GWI is not fully understood, it is believed to result from a combination of factors related to military service during the Gulf War.
Khobar Towers Bombing
Did you know veterans who were stationed at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia during the 1996 terrorist attack have reported a range of health issues? The bombing, carried out by members of the Saudi Hezbollah group, targeted a U.S. military housing complex in Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia, where U.S. Air Force personnel were living. The attack killed 19 U.S. servicemen and injured over 500 others.
Disfiguring Service-Connected Condition
Did you know chloracne is a rare, severe form of acne that results from exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange? While acne is a common condition, chloracne is an unusual and disfiguring skin disorder that causes deep, cyst-like pimples, blackheads, and cysts that are resistant to treatment. It can last for years and is one of the presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange exposure.
VA's 70/40 Rule
Did you know the 70/40 rule ensures that veterans with multiple serious disabilities are accurately assessed and receive the support they deserve, often qualifying for higher compensation rates or Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU)? The 70/40 rule denotes that a veteran must have one or more disabilities rated at 70% and an additional set of disabilities rated at 40%. This combination of ratings can qualify a veteran for certain enhanced benefits, including eligibility for Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), which is equivalent to a 100% disability rating in terms of compensation.