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BAH Increase

Did you know active duty service members' Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rates are set to rise an average 5.1% beginning in January 2022?  Although a few may see their monthly benefit drop after the Pentagon temporarily boosted rates during the pandemic due to a meteoric housing market.  The Pentagon announced the 2022 BAH rates December 15, 2021, giving many service members more money to cover the cost of their housing next year.  Due to unusual circumstances in 2021, some of those whose monthly allowance will drop from the temporarily boosted levels will technically still be getting a raise.


Most Veterans Not Receiving VA Care

Did you know a study was done in 2007 by Karin Nelson a Primary and Specialty Medical Care services, Gordon Starkebaum also a Primary and Specialty Medical Care services, and Gayle Reibar a Health Services researcher, to examine veteran reliance on VA care services?  The study showed the percentages of veterans who fully receive VA care, who receive some of the VA care benefits and who don’t receive VA care.  In the study, Nelson, Starkebaum and Reibar found that 6.2% of veterans reported receiving all their health care at the VA, 6.9% reported receiving only some of their health care at the VA and lastly, 86.9% reported not receiving any VA care.     











Veterans At Higher Risk

Did you know veterans and their families are at a higher risk for mental health strain?  Also, of the 11% - 20% of veterans who have been diagnosed with PTSD, just a mere 9% have recovered, according to a survey by digital therapeutic service Freespira.  And, it’s not from a lack of trying: veterans listed transportation challenges and finding nearby providers with PTSD experience as the main barriers to accessing healthcare services.


Monthly Compensation

Did you know VA claims for mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases include health care and monthly disability compensation?  Veterans exposed to asbestos during military service are entitled to these benefits but must file a claim to receive them.  These benefits are important because veterans have an elevated risk of developing an asbestos-related illness.












Intimate Partner Violence Program

Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently initiated a pilot program to improve services for veterans who have experienced or are experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) or sexual assault?  The two-year VA initiative focuses on strengthening community partnerships, training for VA staff and community partners, identifying effective clinical interventions and providing outreach to underserved populations.  Veterans who have experienced or are experiencing IPV are encouraged to contact an Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program Coordinator at the nearest VA medical center or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY).


Montgomery GI Bill 

Did you know you have 10 years to use your Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) benefits after you separate from the military?  If you don’t use your benefits in this time frame, you may be able to get a refund of part or all of your payments into this program.


VA Trust Report

Did you know VA’s most recent trust report shows a majority of veterans trust VA?  The VA Trust report for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2021 indicates that more than 75% of veterans trust VA.  The current VA-wide Trust score stands at 76%, which is 2% lower than last quarter. However, there was a notable increase in overall trust among two age groups: Veterans younger than 30 and Veterans aged 30 – 39. Both categories increased by 3% over last quarter.


Active Duty Service Members Get Pay Raise

Did you know President Joe Biden signed into law the sweeping annual defense policy Bill that supports a 2.7% base pay raise for active duty service members in 2022?  The pay raise is a slight decrease from the 3% raise active duty service members received in 2021.

Did You Know?

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New Year’s Eve Message for Veterans On TV

Did you know visitors and TV viewers focused on New York’s Times Square this New Year’s Eve may notice a message of encouragement to veterans tucked in among the bright lights and revelry of the celebration this year?  Vets4Warriors — a peer support network for veterans and their families — will host a billboard at Broadway and West 43rd Street with the message “You are never alone” and information on how to get help through the organization.


Social Security & Retirement Benefits

Did you know earnings for active duty military service or active duty training are covered under Social Security and have been since 1957?  One of the special benefits military members receive is that it is possible to receive both Social Security benefits and military retirement benefits.











Sleep Apnea Rating

Did you know as with most disabilities, the VA rating for sleep apnea depends on your particular situation?  The military provides an extremely physically demanding environment that can lead to many conditions associated with sleep apnea, ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to various injuries that limit mobility, plus exposure to a wide variety of dust and fumes. Some indications are that one in five U.S. veterans has sleep apnea, and in one study, veterans of combat in Iraq were more than 45% more likely than non-combatants to develop sleep apnea.


Free Evaluation

Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is encouraging veterans who may have been exposed to environmental hazards during their service to register for an environmental health registry evaluation?  The evaluation is free, voluntary and is beneficial to both the veteran and VA.












Gender Identification

Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) began including gender identifiers in its national medical record system in December 2021 to help VA providers better understand and meet the health care needs of Veterans? Providing this option demonstrates the agency’s commitment to delivering care fitting the individual needs of Veterans enrolled in VA health care, including transgender and gender-diverse Veterans.  VA added transgender male, transgender female, non-binary, other or does not wish to disclose options to its new gender identity field.


TRA Grants

Did you know the VA offers Temporary Residence Adaptation (TRA) where eligible veterans who are temporarily living in a home owned by a family member may receive a TRA grant to help adapt the home to meet their special needs?


VA Pension

Did you know a war veteran may qualify for VA pension benefits, which pay monthly payments to the veteran?  To qualify, a veteran must have an honorable discharge from service, be at least 65 years old or have a permanent and total disability, and meet specific eligibility requirements regarding their service.  Some veterans may also qualify if they're in a nursing home or long-term care facility or receive Social Security disability benefits. Additionally, the VA pension program has specific income guidelines for pension recipients that follow the income limits Congress sets.


Claims Filed

Did you know three U.S. Army veterans of a nuclear weapons base in Okinawa have filed claims with the Veterans Administration for cancers associated with radiation exposure?  Since January, 2020, the Japanese Defense Ministry has been removing a large swath of soil from the former nuclear weapons storage area in Henoko Village, but has refused a request from the local Diet representative from Okinawa to test it for radioactive contamination. This threatens the safety of local residents, and denies important information to the veterans filing VA claims.


Benefits for Bruxism

Did you know the VA considers bruxism (teeth grinding) a potential disability that may warrant disability benefits?  However, bruxism must be established as a secondary service-connected condition. Bruxism is a disability that impacts veterans who may already be dealing with other service-connected issues, such as PTSD or sleep apnea.  The veteran must get a medical diagnosis for bruxism to apply for disability benefits.


Benefits for Ulcerative Colitis

Did you know chronic stomach pain caused by ulcerative colitis may be eligible for VA disability benefits?  Ulcerative colitis is a chronic bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract.  It is characterized by inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon, which can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and fatigue. While there is currently no cure for ulcerative colitis, there are several treatment options available at your local VA to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.