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Some Veterans Eligible VA Home Loan
Did you know veterans with a service-connected disability of any sort, are eligible for VA home loans even if they served less than the minimum requirements needed for veterans without a service-connected disability? Even if a veteran served just a single day of service is sufficient to qualify most veterans. A service-connected disability includes physical or mental conditions that developed as a result of or were made worse by a veterans service in the military.
TRA Grant
Did you know if you're temporarily living with a family member whose home needs to be adapted to meet your disability needs and you meet the qualifications for an SAH or SHA grant, you can apply for a Temporary Residence Adaptation (TRA) grant? If you qualify for an SAH grant, you can get up to $44,299 in TRA assistance in 2023. If you qualify for an SHA grant, you can get up to $7,910 in assistance.
Toyota Gives Rebate
Did you know Toyota offers veterans and active duty service members a $500 rebate on all leases and new vehicle purchases?
VFW Has Your Back
Did you know that VFW advocates for veterans' rights on a daily basis? On January 23, 2025, VFW made clear the following: “The VFW strongly supports protecting the Second Amendment rights of veterans who have fiduciaries assigned by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and ensuring they are not unfairly referred to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) without a due process judicial review.”
Free Bus Pass
Did you know the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) provides a no-fare and half-fare bus pass program for veterans with service-connected disabilities? The program is open to all veterans with a rating of 70% or higher from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Low-income veterans are eligible for the no-fare program; those with income above the threshold are eligible for the half-fare program.
Staggering Statistic About Post-9/11 Veterans
Did you know there are other significant differences with Post-9/11 veterans compared to their predecessors? Compared to their predecessors, post-9/11 veterans are twice as likely to have served in a combat zone. A comprehensive 2017 study by the Pew Research Institute found that more than one-third report symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, another significant increase from those whose service ended prior to 9/11. Half said they had difficulty adjusting to civilian life. Here's the most staggering statistic: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2018, 41% of the total population of post-9/11 veterans had reported a service-connected disability.
VA Virtual Therapy
Did you know veterans are choosing video appointments more than ever, especially since the start of the pandemic? Physical therapists have adapted by providing more video appointments. If you need advice about exercise or had surgery recently, virtual physical therapy could be right for you. To connect virtually, you’ll get a link by email for a VA Video Connect or VVC session with the time and date of your appointment. Use the link to sign on and enter the virtual medical room. You’ll need to allow access to your camera and microphone and provide emergency contact information before your session. Be prepared to answer questions, demonstrate movements, and perform exercises.
VA Policy On Pyramiding
Did you know that veterans who attempt to claim multiple disabilities should first know about the VA’s rule against pyramiding? In other words, a single disability symptom cannot be rated more than once, even if the cause comes from two different disabilities. When a veteran has two different conditions that cause the same symptom, the highest-rated condition will only be considered.
SSDI Payments
Did you know active duty service members who are unable to work due to a disabling condition and continue to receive pay while in a hospital or on medical leave, can apply for SSDI? Active duty status and receipt of military pay doesn’t necessarily prevent payment of SSDI benefits.
Did you know type 2 diabetes is the leading cause of amputations among America's veterans, with more than 15,000 receiving lower limb amputations annually? That's more amputations each year than from all U.S. wars combined.
Did You Know?
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Increased Support for Veterans
Did you know the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the bipartisan Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach (CVSO) Act (H.R. 4601) with a vote of 401-18? Counties strongly support this legislation as it would increase the ability of state, county, municipal and tribal veteran service officers to support veterans as they navigate the wide range of their U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits including health care, housing and transition assistance programs.
The Comfort Project
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides The Comfort Project for women veterans diagnosed with cancer to help them maintain their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being throughout their treatment, increasing quality of life and chances of survival? The goal of The Comfort Project is to provide women veterans with a comfort kit containing items such as: body lotion, small notebook, pen, hand sanitizer, tissues, water bottle/mug, fuzzy socks, leisure materials (word find, sudoku, crossword), and a greeting card with a handwritten positive message.
Project Warm
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers Project Warm which provides veterans facing housing insecurity with items to stay warm during the winter months? The goal of Project Warm is to ensure veterans have resources such as hand warmers, scarves, hats, gloves, jackets, blankets, flashlights, batteries, travel mugs, packets of hot chocolate/tea, and other winter necessities.
Gulf War Veterans Continue To Fight
Did you know Gulf War Veterans have been fighting with the VA to get service-connected presumptive coverage for brain cancer stemming from exposures during military activity overseas? In their struggles to prove a nexus connection, they face similar struggles to those exposed to military base contamination in the United States.
Free Toll
Did you know toll bridge crossings in California are free for military veterans who have license plates with designations such as disabled veteran, former prisoner of war, Pearl Harbor survivor, Congressional Medal of Honor, Legion of Valor or Purple Heart? The new California policy takes effect January 1, 2023.
ABLE Age Adjustment Act Passed
Did you know Congress recently passed the ABLE Age Adjustment Act? The new Act will expand the ABLE program eligibility to include an estimated 6 million more Americans, including one million veterans, by raising the age limit for onset of a disability from 26 to 46 starting in 2025.
Faster Payments
Did you know a new bipartisan law should speed up payments to hard-to-find survivors of recently deceased veterans? President Joe Biden recently signed the Faster Payments to Veterans’ Survivors Act. When a veteran passes away, the surviving spouse or child are eligible to receive certain benefits, such as life insurance proceeds. The U.S. Veterans Administration often struggles to identify, locate and pay these families or beneficiaries in a timely fashion. The new legislation cuts in half the time that the VA has to make the payment of life insurance benefits to survivors.
Character of Discharge Review
Did you know if you have received a less than honorable discharge, you may still be eligible for some VA benefits through the Character of Discharge review process? The VA will examine your record to determine whether your service was “honorable for VA purposes.”
0% Rating Has Benefits
Did you know a 0% VA disability rating is different from no rating at all? Receiving a non-compensable rating of 0% means that the VA does acknowledge the disability claim could have a service connection, but that the symptoms do not seriously impair the veteran enough to secure VA disability payments. But with a 0% rating you may be eligible for other benefits: VA Health Care Priority Group Access, Travel pay reimbursement, Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI), access to military Commissary’s, Exchanges and MWR retail facilities