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VA Seriously Considering More Presumptive Conditions
Did you know the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has proposed adding nine rare cancers to the presumptive list of service-connected disabilities for veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations? The following conditions are under consideration:
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx.
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the trachea.
- Adenocarcinoma of the trachea.
- Salivary gland-type tumors of the trachea.
- Adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung.
- Large cell carcinoma of the lung.
- Salivary gland-type tumors of the lung.
- Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung.
- Typical and atypical carcinoid of the lung.
First Detailed Research About Agent Orange Usage
Did you know in 2011, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus published the first detailed research into the usage of U.S. military defoliants, including Agent Orange, on Okinawa? Six years later, official documents, photographs and testimonies from hundreds of veterans suggest Vietnam War defoliants were stored, sprayed and buried throughout the island.
Veteran Designation
Did you know veterans in Californa can get a free “VETERAN” designation on the front of your Califronia Driver’s License/ID? Through a free informational webinar offered by Alameda County Veterans Service Office veterans can learn about their benefits. The free webinar will help veterans obtain the license designation on the front of their IDs. The free webinar is scheduled for: Friday April 15, 2022 11:00 am – 12:00 pm online via Zoom Registration. To register for the free event, click here.
New Association Name & Symbol
Did you know after 76 years, the Air Force Association (AFA) is changing its name to the Air & Space Forces Association (ASFA) to better match its mission supporting and advocating for both Airmen and Guardians? It also unveiled a new Star-Delta logo “that reflects the dynamism and permanent bonds between these two services and their respective warfighting domains.
Reduced Suicidal Behavior
Did you know a new VA program that put iPads in the hands of veterans with mental health conditions at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in increased therapy sessions and reduced suicidal behaviors?
New Emergency Dialing Code for Veterans
Did you know a new 988 dialing code will be implemented in July 2022 that will allow veterans to instantly connect with the National Suicide Prevention Line? Veterans who call will be transferred to VA’s Veterans Crisis Line to speak with counselors who have military-specific experience and access to other veteran support resources. Currently, about one-third of all calls to the national crisis line are transferred to the VA call center.
Doorstep Delievery Service
Did you know commissary customers on or near eight military installations in the U.S. will be able to test out a new doorstep delivery service scheduled to start June 1, 2022? The Defense Commissary Agency awarded contracts to two veteran-owned companies on April 14 for delivery services. From April 17 through May 31, the contractors will integrate and test their technology with the commissary agency’s eCommerce system. The doorstep delivery starts June 1, 2022 and the contracts for the pilot program run for 90 days, through August 30, 2022 according to contract documents. Delivery service will be implemented at the following commissaries:
- Fort Belvoir
- Fort Bragg (South commissary)
- Fort Lewis
- MacDill Air Force Base
- Miramar Naval Air Station
- Norfolk Naval Station
- San Diego Naval Station
- Scott Air Force Base
Did You Know?
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New AARP Veterans Fraud Center
Did you know AARP launched the AARP Veterans Fraud Center, a new online education and resource center to help protect veterans, service members and their families against fraud? To learn more about the AARP Veterans Fraud Center and to download a free copy of the new Watchdog Alert Handbook: Veterans’ Edition, click here.
New Tax Exemptions
Did you know new laws advancing Georgia veteran benefits, including tax exemptions, were recently signed by Gov. Brian Kemp? A key Bill approved by the legislature this year essentially eliminates state income taxes for veterans. HB 1064 exempts up to $17,500 dollars in military retirement income from state income tax for Georgia residents under age 62. Additional income up to $17,500 earned through working in Georgia can also be exempted from the state income tax, beginning with the 2023 filing season. Another new law (SB 96) allows veterans to use their Veterans Health Identification Card from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as a form of identification when they seek the service of a public notary. In addition, a Bill (HB 884) that expedites license approvals to within 90 days for military spouses is also new law. Initially, expedited processes for licenses granted for a profession, business or trade were only granted to the veteran.
Yellow Ribbon Enhanced Program
Did you know the Yellow Ribbon GI Educational Enhancement Program, a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, assists veterans in paying for educational expenses that exceed the maximum Post-9/11 GI Bill payments? Those limits change from year to year because they are based on the annual average cost of U.S. undergraduate tuition. Beginning August 1, 2022, the 2022-2023 maximum annual benefit will be capped at $26,381.
Shipping Reimbursement
Did you know active duty service members and civilian Department of Defense Department employees can be reimbursed for shipping breast milk while on official travel? Nursing mothers may be reimbursed up to $1,000 as a travel accommodation during temporary duty of more than three days.
New Benefit for Children of Deceased Veterans
Did you know Governor Chris Sununu signed a Bill recently to expand New Hampshire’s free tuition benefit for state colleges and universities to children of deceased veterans who were disabled – as long as they were New Hampshire residents when they died? House Bill 1575 would enhance the state’s existing free tuition benefit for children of disabled veterans, which the Legislature passed in 2020. That benefit did not apply to children of disabled veterans who had died. The new law would waive tuition at both the University System of New Hampshire and the state’s community college system for children of veterans who were “totally and permanently disabled” from a “service-connected disability.”
VA May Exempt C & P Exam
Did you know if your service records, service medical records, or private medical opinions already provide enough evidence to establish a service connection or rate your condition, the VA might decide a C & P exam is not needed? Also, veterans who submit a fully developed claim (FDC) with all required evidence, including medical records, opinions, and lay statements, may avoid the need for a C&P exam. The VA can use the existing documentation to make a decision about your disability claim.
VA Established
Did you know the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was established in 1930 with 54 hospitals? In 1946, after another major war, it expanded to include healthcare benefits, establishing the current system, fully staffed with VA Federal Government workers. Today the VA has 1,600 healthcare facilities, including 144 medical centers and 1,232 outpatient clinics. The resources, need, and intent for VA healthcare facilities was to provide veterans with high quality healthcare and benefits, and all that was required to receive same-day basic healthcare was an honorable DD Form 214.