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Veterans Paid To Participate In Research Program
November 15, 2018
USVCP Staff Writers
You may have heard around your local VAMC, Vet Center, Regional Office or CBOC, that research companies are paying veterans to participate in treatment programs for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or anxiety. You may have heard scuttlebutt that some veterans claim to be making a fortune by lending their time, energy and body to these research companies. Some of it may be true to a degree, and some of it may be hyperbole about the entire research experience. Be that as it may, several veterans have confirmed that a social work department paid them for being subjects.
The College of Social Work at the University of Utah is conducting a research study that is studying mindfulness techniques for treating chronic pain, but also will also give free treatment to veterans interested in participating in the research study. The treatment involves a form of mental training to strengthen the mind to better cope with pain and medication problems that often plague veterans.
The study is made up of eight weeks of therapy and training where veterans are paid and compensated for their time and effort.
For more information about the research study call 1-801-581-8028.
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