Those That
FAQ Archive
Q13: I was in an area in Vietnam that was HEAVILY SPRAYED with all different colors of defoliants in Beinhoa Province. Is there compensation for that? I am 70 years-old and 30% PTSD right now.
A1: There is no compensation merely for being in the area. To qualify for compensation, you must have one of the qualifying conditions that is presumptive for agent orange exposure. The VA has a list of these conditions. See your local DAV office for assistance. (AP) 12/10/16
A2: Simply having boots on ground in Vietnam, means you were exposed to AO. However as mentioned earlier, you must have a disability that is "presumptive" because of exposure. (DB) 12/12/16
A3: Add you name to the Registrar for Agent Orange, if it is not to late. Then get with any of the Service Offices where you should seek help. Had a heart attack where a stent was put into a vain then maybe you will get your disability increased or added to your record. It will not be easy to get onto the list because of the time that has passed. (JK) 12/20/16
Q14: My EBenefits account was hacked. I reported it to eBenefits hotline. Is there anything else I need to do to get my money back or report to a law agency?
A1: For sure. Contact your state attorney generals office and local law enforcement needs to know. (JS) 12/13/16
A2: Call the police and notified the VA investigators. Call a service office for assistance in getting your money back. (DS) 12/13/16
A3: First change banks! I am with Bank of America. They were Nation's Bank when I joined them in the Pentagon. Any violations or disputes with a merchant they immediately put the disputed amount back in my account. My bank card is covered for up to $250K. There are other securities I have in place to avoid being taken advantage of. Such as I don't make purchases over the internet. If a merchant doesn't accept phone orders I keep it moving. You have to use a me against the world mentality. I was at Walter Reed when in 1979 when the Pentagon's mainframe was breached. They accessed our nuclear codes. It forever jaded me. They are your benefits that you must guard. I know this doesn't help you now and I sincerely hope the best for you. My method has worked so far. I've not had a overdraft with my bank in over twenty plus years. They don't assess me any maintenance fee either. (EL) 12/13/16
A4: I would close the account that was hacked and open a new one. Let the bank know of the hack so that they can try to see where the money went. Once you receive the new account info notify the benefits dept and give them your new direct deposit info. (CO) 12/13/16