Those That
FAQ Archive
Q4: How long after your C&P exam does it take the VA to make it's decision for a comp claim?
A1: This will be different from state to state. Here in my area, most claims are finalized within a month of the C&P examination. However, if there are multiple issues, some of the issues may require an additional C&P. (RJ) 3/24/2016
A2: As RJ stated in his state claims may be finalized in 30 days of a C&P. In other states (such as the one in which I reside) it may take six months or longer. Also, I have claims in other states where it takes just as long. (CP) 3/25/2016
A3: My experience has been 2 1/2 years on average and the quickest ever had was about 1 year. Make sure you have a VSO such as VFW and even write to your congressman to see where it is at or even join and you can sometimes track it there. (JRM) 4/3/2016
A4: There is no telling. Just get something good to read, something really good to eat, a really soft chair and a huge great tasting drink and wait. (JK) 7/25/2016
Q5: My children's father was a Vietnam veteran in country 1970 with exposure to agent orange. All of my children have dental deformaties (too many teeth) and pointed ,skin problems, daughter has third nipple, fatty pads on legs with diagnosis of lupus which is not in my family history. Their father passed away in 1997 at age 47 from “natural causes." Can I submit a state of claim if I think their health and mental issues are related to agent orange?
A1: Children who have spina bifida or certain other birth defects and are biological children of Veterans with qualifying service in the Republic of South Vietnam or Republic of Korea may be eligible for various VA benefits, to include monthly monetary compensation, health care and vocational training depending on the child's degree of disability. The monetary compensation may be paid at one of three disability levels, based on the severity of the disability.
Eligibility Requirements (Spina Bifida)
A male or female Veteran's child may be eligible if:
The Veteran parent served in the Republic of South Vietnam during the period from January 9, 1962 through May 7, 1975, OR
The Veteran parent served in or near the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) during the period from September 1, 1967 through August 31, 1971 and was exposed to herbicides (service between April 1, 1968 and August 31, 1971 in or near the DMZ presumes exposure to herbicides.),
The child was conceived after the date on which the Veteran parent served in either the Republic of South Vietnam or the Republic of Korea,
The child has been diagnosed with a form of Spina Bifida other than Spina Bifida Occulta.
NOTE: VA has no requirements regarding the character of the parent's discharge or the length of his or her service.
Evidence Requirements
Service records prove that the biological Veteran parent has qualifying Vietnam or specific Korean service dates and duty assignments,
Evidence shows a biological relationship between the child and the Veteran parent with qualifying Vietnam or specific Korean service,
A birth certificate determines date of conception,
Medical evidence reflects a diagnosis of spina bifida or a covered birth defect.
How to Apply:
Complete VA Form 21-0304 "Application for Benefits for Certain Children with Disabilities born of Vietnam and Certain Korea Service Veterans" and mail to the VA Regional Office in Denver, CO,
Work with an accredited representative or agent,
Go to a VA regional office and have a VA employee assist you. (AP) 3/24/2016
A2: Unfortunately, only children who have spina bifida or certain other birth defects and are biological children of Veterans with qualifying service in Vietnam or Korea may be eligible for a range of VA benefits, starting with compensation, a monthly monetary allowance based on the child's degree of disability. - See more at: (RJ) 3/24/2016
A3: Think I would go see a Veterans Service Officer in your city for help. Take your husbands DD214 with you. (BD) 3/24/2016
A4: The only disease the VA recognizes for children is Spinal Bifida. The only suggestion I can give is check with a VSO and see if anything is available. (PD) 3/24/2016
A5: You should call 1-800-827-1000 ext 110. You will have to have the fathers DD 214, as proof he was in Vietnam and exposed. He may have to be examined and give authorizations foe the claim. Make the call. (HC) 4/5/2016
A6: Thanks for your husbands service. Yes, you can file for compensation for the children. Your required to have supportive info on your husband i.e. DD214 medical records. Call 1-800-827-1000 ext 110 they will advise and get you started. (HC) 4/19/2016
A7: No, the VA will only pay for skilled nursing homes. (TAD) 5/31/2016
A8: If the Illness is not one the VA's Agent Orange Presumptive List you cannot file a claim, go to their Agent Orange Site for the list. (JK) 6/26/2016