Those That
FAQ Archive
Q8: I was on active duty USN 10/1963 - 12/1970. I just read that "1957 through 1977” Veterans of this period are credited with $300 in additional Social Security earnings for each calendar quarter in which they received active duty basic pay. It sounds like this would apply to me. How should I proceed in inquiring about this?
A1: Social Security has reported they have completed doing this for all veterans during this time. However, call Social Security and ask to make sure. (CP) 3/30/2016
A2: I would take my DD-214 to the Social Security office. They make sure you are corrected. (RJ) 4/4/2016
A3: To be sure, make an appointment with social security and take your DD 214 to ensure you are squared away. (LG) 5/21/2016
Q9: If veteran receives a 100 percent total combined disability rating, is there a prohibition law that prevents him from gaining full employment?
A1: A 100 percent "permanent and total" rating is when the VA acknowledges that the service-connected conditions have no likelihood of improvement and the veteran will remain at 100 percent permanently with no future examinations. The P&T rating provides additional benefits, such as Chapter 35 education benefits for dependents, among others. Veterans sometimes make the mistake of requesting a P&T rating simply because they want education benefits for their dependents. The one caveat that veterans need to keep in mind is that when P&T is requested, all of their service-connected disabilities will be re-evaluated. If improvement is noted during the subsequent examinations, a reduction from 100 percent can possibly be proposed. Because many veterans are service-connected for conditions that VA says have a "likelihood of improvement," most ratings are not considered permanent and are subject to future review. The only time veterans can't work a full-time position, that is considered a gainfully-employed job is if they were awarded 100 percent disability through a claim for IU. Additionally, a 100 percent rating under either IU or combined ratings may or may not be rated as permanent and total. A temporary 100 percent rating is just that: temporary due to being hospitalized or recovering from surgery on a service-connected condition. (AP) 4/2/2016
A2: There is no prohibition in working if you are 100% scheduler. If you are IU, then working would not be in your best interest. (CP) 4/2/2016
A3: The answers above are correct. I would echo the advise against asking for an evaluation to be granted P&T status. Once you open Pandora's Box, you have no control over what the VA many find. Recently I had a vet who insisted the VA evaluation him in order to add a service connected illness. Well, the VA did grant him the new disability at 0%. They then found that he was better and downgraded him. Better to be safe than sorry. (RJ) 4/4/2016
A4: When you are 100 percent disabled that means just that for if you are able to work they would reduce the rating and then lose DOD privileges, dental, eye coverage, etc. If your condition is permanent unless you feel it should be temporary which some have that and were expecting permanent and complain. I for one wish surgery would fix mine so I could enjoy things I used to for it takes me sometimes 3 times or sessions to mow a 30x10 front yard and a 50 x 30 backyard. Just driving or riding in a vehicle puts pressure on my spine and legs so I suffer for a few days afterwards. So keep what you have been lucky to get for it took me 34 years of fighting with the VA to get mine after my health is so far gone at least I still have some mobility with an outside doctor saying I will be crippled within 15 years at the most if I am lucky. (JRM) 4/30/2016