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Bow Bow Beauty Shoppe - Discount Varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-692-0962.
Boy Next Door - 15% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-873-2664.
Brantley Professional Movers - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 770-808-0752.
Bravo Cucina Itlaiano Restaurant - 20% discount. Veteran ID Card required. Call 716-684-4595.
Bravo's Pizza - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID Card. Call 215-257-2120.
Briarcliff Paint - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-872-2461.
Brickerville House Family Restaurant - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 717-625-2525.
Bristol Riverside Theatre - 20% discount with valid Veteran ID. Call 215-785-6664.
Bromms Lullaby Farm - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-345-4804.
Bronson Labratories - 10% off on all vitamin and supplement orders, for active, retired, and reserve and their families. Call 1-800-235-3200 or use online code AF2004.
Bubbles Car Wash - Free car wash to all veterans on Veterans Day. Must show military/veteran ID.
Buckingham Valley Winery - $1.00 bottle of wine. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-794-7188.
Buckle – 10% off, Free Shipping on all military orders.
Bucks County Running Co. - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID. Call 215-230-9606.
Budget – Varies, up to 25% off time and mileage. Store, requires military ID to redeem.
Budget Truck Rental – Discount varies, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Buffalo Wild Wings - 10% off to all active duty military and veterans. Military ID and valid Veteran ID Card. Call 507-455-2700.
Build-A-Bear Workshop - Members of the Armed Forces will receive a 20% discount November 11-15, 2013. Military ID required.
Building Supply - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 205-702-7305.
Burger Island - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 830-538-9288
Burger King – Discount varies, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Busch Gardens - One day complimentary admission for members of the military and 3 direct dependents.
Butterfield's Pancake House & Restaurant - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 480-951-6002.
Buy4LessTuxedo - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card.
Cabela's Outdoor Store - 5% - 50% discounts for veterans, active duty military and reserves on Veterans Day.
Cafe Alessio - 15% discount with Veteran ID. Call 215-340-1101.
Calypso Café - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-589-0024.
Camelback Ranch Spring Training Stadium - Discounts may vary. Must have Veteran ID. Call 623-302-5000.
Camino Real Apartments – 5% military discount.
Camp Diggity Dogs: Doggy Daycare, Boarding & Grooming - Discount Varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-702-4090.
Campos Deli - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 215-923-1000.
Capital Segway Tours - 10% discount with Veteran ID. Call 202-682-1980.
Capri Pizza Restaurant and Bar - 20% Discount from Dine in only. No Alcohol. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-766-8440.
Captain D’s – Discount varies, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
CARE @ HOME - Use code: VA888 for 5% discount on home health care services. 888-830-2927 ext. 8.
Caribbean Restaurant - 5% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 910-309-0387.
Carl’s Jr. – Discount varies, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Car-Mic Truck Caps & Accessories - 5% discount on all items under $300.00. Must have valid Veteran ID Card. Call 717-569-3472.