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Mark J. Fisher Roofing - 5% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-412-7663.
Market Pharmacy - Discounts may vary. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-524-8888.
Marks Jewelers Inc - 25% discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-362-7132.
Marriott Hotels – It’s the Per Diem amount the government picks up, whatever that amount is. Just call and place the reservation over the phone and ask for discount.
Mary Kay Cosmetics – Military personnel and dependents receive 10% on online orders. Reference your service affiliation and status, and ask for additional free gift and bigger discounts by contacting website.
Marvin's Heating & AC Services - Discount vary greatly. Must have Veteran ID. Call 202-291-1707.
Mastroieni Furniture - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-643-6372.
Mattress Firm - Discount vary by location. 10% minimum with valid Veteran ID.
Maurices – 10% off with valid military ID.
McCaffrey's Supermarkets - 5% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-493-9616.
McCool's at the Historic Red Lion Inn - Discount varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-538-1779.
McCormick & Schmick - Free meal on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day from selected menu. Must have valid Veteran ID Card.
McCormick Insurance Solutions - Discount Varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-276-0492.
McDonald’s – Discount varies great from location to location, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
McWane Science Center - Discount Varies. Must have Veteran ID.
Meadowlake Golf & Swim - 20% discount with Veteran ID Card. Call 330-492-2010.
Mealey's Furniture - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID.
Mechanic Street Mugs - 15% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-862-8030.
Meineke – 10% off parts. In store only. Simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Memories, Collectibles & Gifts - 20% discount with vaild Veteran ID Card. Call 352-322-3904.
Menards - Gives shoppers with a military ID or VA identification card 10 percent off. Varies from store to store.
Message Envy - Memberships fees waived with valid Veteran ID.
Metal Health & Fitness Gym - $25.00/Month. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-453-8818
Michael Lerner Attorney - Discount varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-355-6400.
Michaels - 15% discount. Must present valid Veteran ID.
Midas – 10% off with a valid military ID.
Midtown Tire - 5% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-249-9270.
MidWest School of Diving - Discounts for current military members, retirees, dependents & veterans. Discounts of 15% - 25% with military/veteran ID.
Mighty Taco - 15% discount with valid Veteran ID Card.
Mike's Lock Shop/Access Lock - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-672-3100.
Mikes York Street Bar & Grill - 10% Discount. Excludes Alcohol Tax & Tips. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-672-3300. - 10% discount on embroidered shirts, caps, jackets, bags and more! Call 1-800-596-9466. Use Promotion Code VCP010 for discount.
Miller Bothers Ltd. - 5-10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-233-8000.
Miller Optical, Inc. - 20% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. May not combine with other offers. Call 717-464-5695.
Miller Rexall Drug - 5-10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-523-8481.
Millers Quick Lube - 10% discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-949-0866.
Milwaukee Art Museum - Free admission to all veterans with valid Veteran ID Card. Up to five family members may be included.