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Joann Fabrics - 20% Discount from Friday, May 24, through Monday, May 27. Some exclusions do apply. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-224-2331.
Jockey – 10% off with valid Military ID.
Joe Davis Auto Sport Inc. - 10% Discount with maximum of $50 any service. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-257-0204.
Joe's Deli - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 352-726-5501.
John Beck's Auto Body - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-945-6600.
John J. Bryers Funeral Home - 10% Discount off all caskets, vaults & urns. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-659-1630.
John Kennedy Ford - 10% off parts/labor on service 200 under invoice. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-357-6600.
Jones New York Outlet Store – 10% off with valid Military ID.
Justa Knitting Basket - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-355-2666.
Karen Cochran - Services include fashion, handbag, home improvement & maid. 10% discount with Veteran ID Card. Call 317-460-1961.
Kari's Care - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card for child care services. Call 916-806-3057.
Karlton Café - 5% off food. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-538-8353.
Karma Dog Training Educational Center - Discount varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 866-500-3647.
Karma Hair Studio - 15% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-269-6996.
Kash Mods - 10% discount on high end vaporizers with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 626-242-5412.
Kate Spade New York - Discounts vary by location. 10% - 15% discount with valid Veteran ID Card.
KB Toys – 15% off during advertised Military Days.
Kenderdine's Hating Oil and HVAC - Discount Varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-968-2041.
Kenny's Spirited Eatery - 10% Discount. Excluding Alcohol. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-357-9974.
Kevin and sons Landscaping - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID.
KFC – Discount varies, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Kiddie Acres Amusement Park - Discount varies greatly. Must have Veteran ID. Call 512-255-4131.
Kimberton Whole Foods - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 610-847-2419.
Kinder's Meats Deli & BBQ - 10% discount that varies daily. Dicount not offered every day. Must have valid Veteran ID Card. Call 925-461-2333.
King of Tarts Bakery - 10% Discount. Some Restrictions apply. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-672-2253.
Kiss Electric LLC - 10% off Residential Work Only. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-547-0603.
Kix & Stylz - 10% discount. Must have valid Veteran ID Card. Call 631-591-3765.
Kmart - 10% - 20% discount by location. Must have Veteran ID.
Kniese's Plumbing & Heating - 10% discount with Veteran ID. Call 215-348-3113.
Knight House - 10% discount with Veteran ID. Call 215-651-6680.
Kolache Factory - 10% discount. Veteran ID Card required. Call 281-394-7977.
Konst Law Offices - 30% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 716-634-0000.
Kragen Auto Parts – Discount varies, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Krispy Kreme - All active duty, retirees & veterans get a free doughnut on Veterans Day. Military ID needed.
KT Saddlery - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-766-1710.
La Stalla - Discount Varies. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-579-8301.
Lady Foot Locker – 20% off with military ID.
Lake George Steamboat Co. - Discounts vary greatly. Must have Veteran ID. - 15% off final purchase with valid Veteran ID Card.
Lancaster Inn & Suites - 15% discount on room rates. Must have valid Veteran ID Card. Call 717-665-5440.
Landis & James Electric Inc. - Discont varies. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-453-1443.
Landmark's E Street Cinema - $1.50 off. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 202-783-9494.
Las Vegas Hilton Buffet - 25% discount with Veteran ID.