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Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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Q886: I have 100% service disability, for other than Agent Orange related disabilities, Do I qualify for Agent Orange related issues? I have had 5-surgeries and have suffered from chronic pain for many years. I have not been able to get an answer. I have been denied compensation since 2009 for Agent Orange.
A1: There is not such disability as Agent Orange. The VA rates chronic disabilities that are related to exposure to Agent Orange. You served in one of the locations that VA acknowledges that AO was used and you have one of the conceded disabilities, then you get service connected. (DS) 7/14/23
A2: To determine your eligibility for benefits related to Agent Orange exposure, you will need to file a claim with the VA. The VA will consider your military service history and any medical evidence you provide to determine if your condition is related to Agent Orange exposure. Go see a local DAV rep who can help you. (GV) 7/14/23
A3: I do not have this issue but I have a close family friend whose body is shutting down due to agent orange. He needs help and One marine to another. Please help him send me your contact information an en I want to give him this last resource. (JB) 7/14/23