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Questions & Answers
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Q880: I filed a claim or maybe an appeal under the PACT act for Hypertension, I had open heart surgery back in 2010 for ischemic heart disease and I was approved for VA disability but denied for the hypertension. I believe the VA has received claim/appeal because when I check back with it says they are working on it. How long could this take and being rated already at 100% and know the rating can’t go higher would I be eligible for back pay only from the date the hypertension was denied to the present?
A1: For as long as they wany -I’ve had a claim in since 2013 - still only up to stage 4 go figure - you can fight for your country but==but when your finished they just cast you to the garbage heap. (WW) 6/26/23
A2: According to the PACT Act, you would be eligible for SC for HTN back to Aug 10, 2022 if you file before Aug 9, 2023. HTN is one of those that the VA rates how well your blood pressure is controlled while you are on medication. (DS) 6/26/23
A3: It would be im your best interest to visit with your local DAV rep who can help you get what you have earned. (GV) 6/26/23