Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q879: I'm veteran USN 1057-63. After I die, how does my spouse or children get any death benefits? How do they apply? And what amount or type of benefit am I eligible for?
A1: That's a very broad question with lots of answers depending on your situation. If you are service connected for a disability that ends up causing your demise or, significantly contributes to your demise, then your spouse should seek help from an accredited VSO who can file for Dependency Indemnity Compensation. This is a fixed amount of money each month, tax free. If you die of something that is not service connected then, the only VA claim she could make would be for the Death Pension. You would have to have been on active duty for 90 days, other than active duty for training, and one of those days would have to have been during a period of war. Then, her income would have to be below a level set by congress. My advise would be to have your spouse take your death cert to an accredited VSO. (DS) 6/23/23
A2: I think you need to visit a local DAV they have people who specialize in helping spouses get a pension. (GV) 6/23/23
A3: What you are eligible for now depends on whether you have a service connected condition, which also impacts what your spouse may get after you pass. You should contact a Veterans Service Officer asap. I recommend can find your nearest DAV office by going to You don't have to use DAV, but don't do it alone. VSOs understand the system and will do most of the work for both you and your wife. (WJ) 6/23/23
A4: You might be eligible for more than you realize. Go see an accredited VSO who will help you. (PA) 6/23/23