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Questions & Answers
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Q877: I need help to increase my disability compensation. I have been getting 10% since the early 80’s. Where do I look?
A1: I would suggest you contact a local Veteran Service Officer in your area. That being said, if your condition does not have medical evidence of an increase in severity, you will not get an increase. (RJ) 6/23/23
A2: Not sure where you live but you can Google what ever state you live in and then add Department of Veterans affairs. Almost every state has a VSO office in most counties and they are free services and they are accredited VSOs who can help you with your claim. If you are already service connected for the disability, you merely need to file a VA Form 21-526ez. If it's a new claim, be prepared to give the VA the names and addresses of the doctors who have been treating you for your disabilities you want to claim. VA looks for continuity of treatment. (DS) 6/23/23
A3: Try a local DAV they have specialists who can help you get the increase you deserve. They helped me. (GV) 6/23/23