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Questions & Answers
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Q876: 100% disabled veteran needs help. Who/ how at the VA to contact for Vehicle modification?
A1: Just because you are 100% rated by the VA does not automatically entitle you to an auto grant or adaptive equipment grant. In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must have one of the following disabilities as a result of injury or disease incurred or aggravated during active service:
Loss, or permanent loss of use, of at least one foot; OR
Loss, or permanent loss of use, of at least one hand; OR
Permanent impairment of vision of both eyes to a certain degree; OR
Severe burn injuries resulting from deep, partial, or full thickness burns that cause contracture or limits motion of one or more extremities that preclude effective operation of automobile
If you have ankylosis (immobile joint) of at least one knee or hip due to a service-connected disability, you may qualify for adaptive equipment, without the automobile grant. The key here is that the disabilities have to be service connected. (DS) 2/22/23
A2: The previous message is correct. If you qualify, you would start the process through your primary care provider. (RJ) 2/23/23
A3: I contacted my VSO who go the ball rolling. Start there. (BR) 2/23/23
A4: Contact your local VSO - Veteran Service Officer at your local VA hospital. There may be one in your county. (RL) 3/3/23