Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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Q874: October 2022 I was awarded a substantial backpay award totaling more than six figures. My question, should I report my back pay award to the IRS?
A1: VA compensation is not taxable income. That is why you do not receive a 1099 for compensation. (DS) 2/22/23
A2: No because all VA disability is tax exempt. (RI) 2/22/23
A3: So far you will not have to pay taxes on any compensation you receive from the VA. (GS) 2/22/23
A4: No worries. Your backpay is not taxable money. It is part of your monthly compensation which is not taxable. (MT) 2/23/23
A5: VA compensation and pension benefits are not taxable.
Enjoy your loot! (RJ) 2/23/23
A6: The VA has given me two sizeable awards in the last 20 years and I never paid a dime in taxes on the money. (DJ) 2/23/23
A7: I wish I had back pay and if I did, I sure did not get it and boy I could use some back pay now, I could hardly pay my Mortgage and no one to help. (MK) 2/28/23
A8: H*** NO. Its the same as your regular monthly pay...NO TAXES. (RL) 3/3/23