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If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: I'm so sorry you were given false information. Did your husband by chance serve in the VietNam region during his foreign service? Veterans who served in VietNam from 2/28/61 would still be eligible to apply even though the war didn't acutally start until 8/5/64. Also regardless of where he was stationed, if he was injured while on active duty and got treatment for it on active duty he is eligible to apply for compensation. If he had no injuries, but is ill now due to other reasons, he is still eligible to apply for VA Health Care. You can call the VA Regional Office toll-free number at 1-800-827-1000 and ask where your nearest VA Medical Center is, where he can take his DD214 and his income information and apply for health care. Even if he has Medicare, he is still entitled to file for VA health care. They will explain the benefits once he gets enrolled into the health care system. Also any veteran who completed his tour of duty with an honorable discharge is eligible for other benefits as well, such as: Housing, burial in a state cemetery, etc. Call your local office on the toll-free number and ask if they have a County Service Officer where you can go with a copy of his DD214 and they will give him a full run down of his benefits. My email should be on this reply, if I can be of further assistance. Thank you and your husband for his service. (PR) 7/13/22
A2: I believe he may but there are many variables. I would suggest seeing a VSO right away. (DL) 7/13/22
A3: Have you contacted your counties (veterans service officer) they can use his service record to tell you if he has any entitlement and what it would be. They don't work for the VA so they are on your side not the va's side. (LC) 7/13/22
A4: As a USAF veteran from November 1959 to November 1965, I've been excluded from any VA benefits because my income is too high. I wrote my congressman a dozen years ago, but still no benefit available. (RP) 7/13/22
A5: As both a former VFW Post Commander and well trained VFW Service Officer I can tell you this officially; no one can tell a former military soldier of any branch of the military that he or she is not eligible to apply for a disability received as part of or as a result of his or her former military service. That process is officially conducted by a review of documentation by VA Administration analysts trained to do that work. However, more recently, painful bone and other pain types suffered as a veteran ages have been added to the review process. You might want to discuss this process with your local VA Hospital veterans services department for proper disposition in your personal situation. Good luck and thank you for being an American Military Hero for serving your nation honorably. (DH) 7/13/22
A6: Of course he is! He was active service so he qualifies. Contact the Veteran's Service Officer of the town or city you live in, and he/she will help you. Good luck. (LA) 7/13/22
A7: Absolutely he is entitled to VA benefits. The only benefit he would not be entitled to is the wartime pension. A low income benefit that requires 90 days of continuous active duty with one day being during a period of war. I would seek the assistance of an accredited veteran service officer near you to complete the VA Form 10-10ez to try to get enrolled into the VA's healthcare system. If there is a VA facility near you, you can enroll there at the facility. (DS) 7/13/22
A8: Yes, take his DD Form 214 to any va medical treatment center. (LG) 7/13/22
A9: He is entitled to medical coverage, but HE MUST REGISTER/SIGN UP at the VA. Call 1-800-827-1000 for additional details. He may also be eligible for disability. That number will provide the answers you need. God Bless you and Thank you for your Service! (LJ) 7/18/22