Those That
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Q848: I am currently getting VA compensation for lower back with sciatica. Due to my back I am now suffering with osteoarthritis in both hips in which I am not able to move sit or stand for anytime which has caused me to be obese and diabetic with kidney failure fluctuating HP and several hospital stays and depression and anxiety. I need to file for these issues and wanted to know if it would be ok to file this as one claim all together or do it in steps?
A1: I am very sorry to hear about your spine pain. I too suffer from the same issues.
Let me answer you from a Veteran Rating Officer point of view.
You will need significant documentation to justify the osteoarthritis in your hips in relation to your spinal issues.
You will need x-rays or MRIs (I would prefer both). These must show a correlation between your hips and spine problems.
You will also need a strong nexus letter from an orthopedic doctor who will say these issues are directly related. I highly encourage you to have your orthopedic professional fill out a DBQ for both the hips and the spine. Again, you are trying to draw a direct correlation between your hip damage and spinal damage.
Now lets talk about your obesity, diabetes, kidney failure, depression and anxiety. Like anything else the VRO will be looking for strong evidence and a medical opinion from a person who is a professional in the field to justify the issue. For instance, saying you are obese because of your spine and hip pain is a long uphill climb. You may know this in your heart but "PROVING" it to an outsider is like walking into a boxing ring with Mike Tyson. It will be a tough fight at the bare minimum.
Notice that I keep saying medical professional. Get the highest professional in the field that you can obtain. This will be like poker and the cards are your medical professionals. If you play a Nurse Practitioner, the VA will play an orthopedic surgeon. The opinion of the orthopedic doctor will out play the NP.
Once gain, the NEXUS LETTER and imaging (xrays, MRIs, etc) will your strongest assets. For each issue you mentioned above, I would get a professional in that field to perform a DBQ examination and write for your a nexus. The DBQ should reflect the medical issue and the nexus MUST tie the issue to the spine and back pain.
Once again, as a 100% disabled veteran who works with claims and appeals on a daily basis, I wish you luck and pray that God will provide you will physical healing and spiritual uplifting. (RJ) 3/30/22
A2: You can claim all the secondary disabilities at one time if you'd like. That's quite a trail of disabilities secondary to your back. I would recommend you getting a nexus letter from your doctor stating just so. Such as "I am Dr whomever, and I'm treating you for low back sciatica and as a result of this, you have developed this, and this, etc. (DS) 3/30/22
A3: : Yes, you have to file it A.S.A.P. If you had already filed it and got denied, refile it. Quailified Service Officers and do that for you, you just need to find one that will help...(EC) 3/31/22