Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q845: I have degenerative arthritis of the lower spine, however they cannot do a MRI as I still have shrapnel in my back that is located too close to my spine. Would I be eligible for compensation?
A1: In order to answer your question correctly, there are many other things that I would need to know. However, here is a short answer.
A. Is the shrapnel from a military incident?
B. While in service did you have an accident or injury which hurt or damaged your spine?
With the information you provided, I would file for the arthritis as a secondary condition as long you have service connection for the shrapnel. (RJ) 3/29/22
A2: You certainly might be! You should be able to find an accredited Veteran Service Officer near you who will represent you for free. If not, you can file a VA Form 21-526ez for service connected compensation here. These forms may seem daunting but with the help of an accredited VSO, they will do all the work and submit it for you. Then, if needed, the VA will schedule for a compensation & pension exam. (DS) 3/29/22
A3: Two things, First is the shrapnel from service? Second if yes is it causing the Arthritis? You may need to see your doctor and have him fill out a DBQ with a Diagnosis and in the remarks section have him provide an opinion with an "as likely as not" the shrapnel is causing the arthritis AND he needs to provide a rationale to why he /she states this opinion with a medical/scientific response. (ST) 3/29/22
A4: I had the same problem my County VSO was on the last appeal and it was denied, I found the best VA Lawyer in town he fought for me summited evidence from independent doctors that examined me and it was finally awarded, It took some time but the lawyer knew more about this and helped me. He took 20% of the back pay but i need the forward pay. The back pay was just a bonus and well worth the cost. (JP) 3/29/22