Those That
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Q833: I am currently rated 100%. I have 70% for service-connected disability plus 30% for unemployability. I have been told by my MD that I will need to start meds for Diabetes 2 soon. Since I am already 100%, is there any point to requesting D II compensation? (Yes, Viet Nam vet).
A1: Because you have DM II and were in Vietnam, I would recommend to you to file for SC for the DMII. Anytime you have a disability that may ultimately cause your demise, or contribute to it, then I would recommend filing for SC. Especially if you have a spouse. If the DM II ultimately causes your death, then your spouse would be entitled to DIC. (DS) 3/2/22
A2: Yes, file for sugar diabetes as there are many secondary disabilities that sugar diabetes can cause and if these disability are not service connected and that could be the cause of death the VA will not pay the service connected death benefit. (GR) 3/2/22
A3: For your protection and your spouse you need to file for diabetes just in case it takes you out. I did and now my spouse is protected and will get DIC in case diabetes takes me out. (PM) 3/2/22
A4: I can't anwer that question yet, I am undergoing the same problem. I am 100% Service Connected, but after undergoing several MRI's I found out the some of the Agent Orange Disablities are like the Disbilities I have. I was informed that once you are 100% Disabled, you can't file for additional Service Connected Disabilities??? I am not sure about that, my Agent Orange Claim is still pending with the Appeals Board. Good Luck!!! (EC) 3/2/22
A5: Let's be clear about this: YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! As you stated, you're presently rated 100% IU; which for anyone who is over 62 years old is not secure. For at least the past 5 years congress has tried to roll back any IU ratings back to the original rating if the veteran is over 62 (which is the age for drawing social security). BIG SAVINGS FOR THE GOV - REAL BIG LOSS FOR US. Anyhow, if you have developed and new medical or mental health issues since your last C&P, FILE FOR SERVICE CONNECTION before it's too late. As a volunteer PSS, I've helped more than a dozen VN vets file their claims to get rated at 100% P&T. So, the balls in your court. You can either roll the dice and see what happens or you can take charge of your own s*** and get it done. Semper Fi. (TB) 3/4/22