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Q829: I'm a Vietnam vet, diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes about 2 yrs ago . I have been able to control it with diet, no medicines, already receiving 40% [ 30 % for IHD , 10% for tinnitus ] . Can I file for the diabetes and not have it affect my 40%?
A1: Absolutely! Diabetes is a presumptive for Agent Orange exposure. Your present 40% will not be effected. My advice, file a.s.a.p. for diabetes and any other presumptive you may have. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. (TB) 2/28/22
A2: Yes, you can and should file for Sugar Diabetes. You will probably be given 10% for diabetes since it is controlled by diet. You are 40% disable 60% whole, 10% of the 60% which is 6 gives you 46% which will get you to 50% which is a good place to be as you will not have any copays at the VA. My advice to Vietnam Veterans whenever you have a new illness that is under the Agent Orange Program file for it. (GR) 2/28/22
A3: Absolutely, you can file and should get service connected at 10% since you are controlling it with just diet. If you later get worse, you can file for and increase. DM II can cause a host of secondary disabilities like diabetic retinopathy, for one. You can file on your own on ebenefits on a VA Form 21-526ez or seek the counsel of an accredited veteran service officer whose services are free. (DS) 2/28/22
A4: If you control with diet alone you may be eligible for 10%, I'm on insulin and pills and was awarded 20%. However know that the VA can look at your other claims and COULD reduce your percentage or could increase it just talk to your DSO for advice. (ML) 3/1/22