Those That
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Q828: I keep reading that we are eligible for compensation for Agent Orange for Service Connected Disabilities. Yet, I have provided proof, and Medical Reports from QME, CME, AME's and I have been denied. I got so frustrated with the system that after over 10-years of filing claims, I sent my claim to the Appeals Board. Guess What? They don't even take the time to address the claims, all they keep saying is they are backloged, hiring more help to train them with the claim processing, still waiting for a response. I also been told to get an Attorney to represent me, because the V.A. will not help you. They keep the money already set aside for claims, if you die. I will be 73-years in March and still no hope. Who is accountable for this B.S.?
A1: They have been saying this for ever, being back logged. At the 10yeR mark I was still waiting and was told "who do you think your are and you think you are the only veteran". I finally wrote to my congress man and state senator. Aged months later approved. (JP) 2/22/22
A2: I, too, spent 15 years trying to get the VA to recognize my disability. What works best "especially in an election year" is to write your Senators and Congressmen and explain the situation to them while asking for help. Guaranteed results. Good luck and Semper Fi. (LM) 2/22/22
A3: Don't give up. It took me over 30 years to get benefits from the VA. (EL) 2/22/22
A4: I am not sure of your specifics but in over 19 years of doing this, I have only sent one claim to the BVA for Agent Orange related claims. It was for Parkinsonism because it was not yet on the list of conceded disabilities but was soon to be. If you were exposed to AO and you have a conceded disability, the VA will service connect you. I would not recommend you get an attorney yet. An accredited service organization can help as much as an attorney can and the service is free. If you are denied by the BVA and would like to file with the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, attorneys will call you about representing you and there is not risk of owing an attorney fee. This only applies to claims before the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. (DS) 2/23/22