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Q826: I’m the Post Service Officer at my VFW Post in Ridgedale, Missouri and have been asked if you’re rated Unemployable can they still take a part time job? I’ve gotten several different answers. Can someone give me the correct answer and tell me where I can look the answer up? Also, I’m rated 90% unemployable, will my wife have to do paperwork when I pass or will the VA automatically file for her?
A1: I am rated 90% with unemployment which gives me 100%. I was told that I couldn't work a full time or part time job. I would lose my benefits. (DV) 2/22/22
A2: My service officer said I could not ever work again when I got to 100%. (JB) 2/22/22
A3: I have been 100% service-connected USN 'Nam 17-21 USS Oriskany CVA 34 airman since March 2010 single reliant on VA benefits solely and a small Social Security Retirement less than n$500.00 a month. What I have learned is we have to report outside income to VA which may mean reductions like the $800.00 a month non-service connected benefits were for me 05/2005-03/2010... It was locked and when Social Security kicked in I had to return any difference to VA. (KB) 2/22/22
A4: Check with a benefit counselor, marginal work is rumored ok what is the exact amount I don't know find out and play it safe stay 10-15 % beneath the marginal amount per month. You welcome. (AA) 2/22/22
A5: When your service connected disability prevents you from performing your chosen vocation, you are rated "unemployable." The VA may allow you to do other types of work without penalty. The key is whether you have found substantial, gainful employment. Basically, if the income doesn't meet or exceed your previous employment, and you are unable to maintain full time work for equal pay, you should be able to keep your unemployable rating.
Upon your passing, your wife will have to file for death benefits and/DIC. Nothing is automatically done by the VA. She should seek a qualified service officer to assist her with this as soon as she is able to do so. There should never be a fee charged to help her, if there is, she chose the wrong person to help. (MH) 2/22/22
A6: Yes you can, but check with VA to see how much you can make. (RG) 2/22/22
A7: I am 100% disabled and allowed to earn income. Please take into consideration that in some cases veterans are reevaluated. I am 100% disabled not requiring reevaluation. When I pass away my wife has to apply for DIC Benefits. There is no automatic process. (BF) 2/22/22
A8: Veterans can work while receiving TDIU as long as their jobs aren't considered substantially gainful employment. This means you are allowed to work in odd jobs, temporary jobs, or seasonal jobs paying less than a poverty-level wage. This level is different across the country. click here
A9: I'm told you can work very minimally. Your income from employment cannot exceed that of the national poverty line. Now, try figuring out where that number is written. Some say $12k/yr, others say $13k/yr. But I've never found anything solid. Honestly though, after taxes, is it even worth it? Especially if you have children. I'd be working just to pay the extra fuel and child care costs. (JK) 2/22/22
A10: Hi, your first question yes you can earn up to a certain amount, contact your local VSO (veteran service officer) he can help you with that, not sure what paperwork your referring to but he or she can explain that as well. The VSO is not connected to the VA as far as employee employer is concerned, they are there for you. They can help with claims if yours changes and needs a rate increase. (LC) 2/22/22
A11: When you are "unemployable" you are being paid at the 100% rate because you told the VA that you are unable to obtain or maintain gainful employment. If you do part time work, you can make up to the national poverty income level. You also will need to inform the VA at the end of each year what you made and from what employment. To your question about paperwork when you die, the VA will not automatically file for you. Your wife will need to complete a VA Form 21-534ez. Now, I have seen the VA automatically pay the $2K burial benefit and start DIC without filing for veterans that were 100% P&T for more than 10 years. In those cases, have an accredited service officer check to see that your spouse receives the 8 year kicker amount for being married to you for at least 8 of the last 10 years you were 100% P&T. (DS) 2/23/22