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Q822: I have an Agent Orange Exposure Claim for over 10-years. I have provided proof plus Doctor's findings, yet they keep denying my claim. I got frustrated and filed my case to be re-evaluated by the Appeals Board. Still pending, it's been over 1-year and all I get is that they are back logged. Is there hope that the Appeals Board will see my claim before I die?
A1: The VA is very aware of the appeals backlog. They have brought veteran law judges back from retirement to help with the backlog. They are slowly whittling away at the back log, but it takes time. Hopefully yours won't be too much longer. Not sure why it was appealed or had to be appealed but Agent Orange claims are usually the easiest to rate. You meet the requirements for exposure, you have the disability that's on the list of conceded disabilities, and then how bad is the disability, then you have your rating. (DS) 2/11/22
A2: Most of the time the hardest thing for a veteran to prove is their exposure. If you were in Vietnam during the proper time period, exposure is presumptive. If you were in Korea, Thailand, Okinawa, Guam or other locations it becomes much more complicated. (RJ) 2/17/22