Those That
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Q813: Medical records-one day, back in early 2000s the VASORCC in White City, OR entered into my records that I had a diagnosis of 'polysubstance abuse' and through 'parroting' fictitious information from the previous VA visit to the next it has 'snowballed' into 'I am an out of control addict whose aberrant addictive behavior and refusal and/or physical inability to accept or participate in residential substance abuse treatment has lead VAs to determine me ineligible for opioid, benzodiazepine, etc. treatments for 30 years of documented degenerative disc disease, full spine, knee, shoulder, hand 'problems' and total hip replacement surgeries; some private doctors refuse to accept me as a patient upon review of my VA records, to include psychiatrists. The VA's own fictional entries disprove themselves, thus until I encounter an independent thinker with their own medical opinion I am pretty much So Out of Luck for the remainder of my life. That VA used my inability to sit or stand which resulted in me collapsing to the floor while waiting for my appointments to initiate administrative 'Disruptive Behavior Flags' and require armed VA Police escorts while on-campus (see ADA law); I was denied my right (in writing) to present and defend myself against those proceedings, nor was I contacted for the obligatory notice of determination I was to sign. I battled them through the VISN to Senators and Congressmen and continue
through the OIG, the VA White House Hotline and so the Secretary of VA. I've been campaigning for an 'audit' of my electronic health record and the matter is ALWAYS sent back to the facility for resolution. I should have significant legal history, fiscal irresponsibility, etc. if I was that person but have none. I NEED HELP and have previously sent 100 letters covering media, legislative, judicial, executive branches including the First Lady and The Pope without a single reply. I am preparing a Facebook page to post my story and records on for posterity. If anyone has a suggestion I really need any guidance desperately and immediately. That VA determined my left carotid arteries were up to 79% occluded and made no treatment plan (except autopsy), they routinely 'receive telephone information from a credible first name' and enter it. Asked unidentified caller to fax information (which the VA failed to scan into record) regarding duplication of clonazepam which turned into me having 17 doctors! but I just proved by sending that specified pharmacy timeframe and VA prescriptions which conclusively prove fraudulent, vindictive, inaccurate, irrelevant entries into my VA records that started all of the rest. It will not make any difference since 20 years of unprofessional fiction and determinations about me exist and will continue to unless an audit is accomplished. It is possible because the VA did one a few years ago to 'adjust' diagnostic codes which may make them align better with others, but alter their applicability to my disability claims (thankfully I have a before/after copy). I will never stop, I can't, so please direct me or have an interested attorney contact me. Because of my job in USAF Fuels, I was exposed to noise and jet fuel. Almost immediately upon enlistment began having chronic bronchitis, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, which has evolved into chronic pneumonia with 'worm holes' throughout my lungs, painful hearing, and I surrendered my keys due to driving while sleeping.