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Questions & Answers
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Q811: I have been informed that I have larynx cancer. Does this condition warrant Agent Orange? I was in Vietnam 1968-1969. I took a C&P exam in Nov 2021. When and if will the VA let me know something? Does this cancer automatically give you a chance to get disability compensation?
A1: Agent Orange exposure is known to cause respiratory cancers (lung, bronchus, trachea, larynx). Once you file your VA compensation claim, the VA will schedule you a C&P exam, if warranted. If your cancer is active, the VA will rate you at 100% as long as the cancer is active. Once your treatment is over, then they rate you on the residuals. If you had your C&P exam in November 2021, it shouldn't be too much longer. Check w/ your accredited representative and they can tell you the progress of your claim. (DS) 1/24/22