Those That
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Q791: I have tried to have service-connected disability for low back pain with no positive results. I've have this problem since Vietnam, but no medical records available. Also, in 2017, I was reduced in 1 condition to 0%. I need my 0% restored to more than 20%. It is impossible that at my age I have gotten better especially with no medical exam. My first service connected condition was for condromalasia and it is time for an increase on this condition. What is the best way to go about getting an increase?

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A1: Any time that you are denied on your contention, the VA requires you to have new & relevant evidence (N&R) before they will look at your claim again. Some vets think that just going to the doctor is N&R evidence. It is not. The VA already knows you have a problem. Look at why the VA originally denied your claim and then find something to contradict that. i.e. you injured yourself while TDY and the VA said you didn't have any treatment notes in your STRs and you found those medical pages. That's N&R evidence. Or, there is nothing in your STRs but you now have buddy statements (VA Form 21-10210) where they talk about witnessing your injury. This can be considered N&R evidence. As far as being reduced, the VA can do one of three things when you reopen a claim. Increase, leave the same, or reduce your rating based of the C&P exam results. I always tell the veteran "there is no such thing as P&T if you reopen your claim. Once you do reopen (unless protected under the 20 year rule) they can do one of the three things. Seek the counsel of an "accredited VSO", one that has been through the training and is accredited by a National Organization (ALG, VFW, DAV, etc). Most states have accredited VSOs in their counties that can help with your claim. (DS) 11/19/21
A2: Call the group that you used to file your claim, have them submit paperwork to get you reevaluated for an increase. (ML) 11/19/21
A3: I am a VSO in PA. I highly recommended you see a VSO right away and make darn sure you have evidence , medical profess. write up in your favor and file a claim for each condition. The best to you and Welcome Home. (GL) 11/19/21