Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q782: I have all the symptoms of Agent Orange contact however I don’t recall coming in contact with Agent Orange. I was stationed and trained at Folk Polk, Louisiana, in 1974 at Fort Dix, Camp McCoy, White Sands Missile Range, El Paso Fort Campbell in 1976. However, I don’t believe these areas are on the Agent Orange list. Could I have come in contact with pesticides somewhere during my training and not have known it? Can VA check my blood for Agent Orange or purple etc. just curious? Thank you very much.

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A1: I am not sure what your "symptoms of Agent Orange contact" are but VA says that if you have a disability that is on the list of presumptive disabilities related to Agent Orange (AO) exposure, then you can be service connected (SC) for that disability. If those places are not on the list of places that handled, stored, etc, AO, then the likelihood of you being SC is unlikely. If you have one of the disabilities that is on the AO presumptive list, then file your claim. If you are denied and your base is added at a later date, then you could be back paid to the date you first applied for SC. No, there is no blood test to see if you have AO or purple in your blood that I am aware of. (DS) 10/25/21