Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q769: Hi! I was born with Poland syndrome tumor on bowels and too many teeth and had a daughter with heart arrhythmia and hole in heart and fused teeth together and club feet. My father passed from adrenal gland cancer from Agent Orange. Will the VA ever recognize us from our fathers exposure to Agent Orange?

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A1: Disabilities related to Agent Orange list is not fixed in stone. Many disabilities have been added to the list of presumptive disabilities related to herbicide exposure over the years. Currently, children who have spina bifida (except spina bifida occulta) and are biological children of Veterans who served in Vietnam or in the demilitarized zone in Korea during the Vietnam era may be eligible if the birth father served in Vietnam or Korea or were otherwise exposed to AO. The affected child must have been conceived after the Veteran first entered Vietnam or the Korean demilitarized zone during the qualifying service period of exposure. You can always file a claim to have your disability established with the VA. These statistics may help down the road having disabilities added to the presumptive list. (DS) 9/10/21
A2: H.R. 326 - Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2019. This was referred to the Subcommittee on Health on 02/01/2019.
Unfortunately the bill seems to have died in subcommittee. (RJ) 9/10/21
A3: Look how many years it took for blue water sailors to get service connection for Agent Orange. In this case, and in my opinion, it is all about money. The VA doesn't care about you or your family. (SS) 9/10/21
A4: The VA does everything they can to avoid paying any claims for Agent Orange as for dependents there are only a few diseases they will pay for. I am a Vietnam Veteran exposed to Agent Orange with Escemic Heart disease, prostate cancer high blood pressure and hypertension. I am 100% disabled and do receive VA compensation but it took years to get rated. I am still trying to get back pay for the hypertension which was found caused by Agent Orange by the VA medical studies but the VA will not accept the studies and all my claims have been denied. I would go talk to a veterans service officer at the DAV, AMVETS, or any other veterans organization. (AM) 9/10/21