Those That
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Q756: Upon my death, what will my wife’s benefits be and how long will it take for her to receive her benefits? I’m at 90% IU which makes me 100%.

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A1: Yes she does. She or someone for her will have to notify VA of course when we vets pass on. I am like u almost exactly and the 100 p&t is important fir the survivors. Kinda GOLD STAR STATUS. EXACTLY WHAT SHE/they are entitled to is spelled out EXACTLY by the VA ONLINE. It's CONSIDERABLE. MONEY MONTHLY AND BENEFITS. Too lengthy for here. BEST THING IS PUT IN WRITING ALL YOUR STUFF to help her with VA and Social Security benefit claim. It is all designed to keep them well and comfortable. (DD) 7/10/21
A2: She will receive either the spousal pension or DIC in most cases. It is best you check with your local DAV or VSO to get the most up to date answers for your questions. (RC) 7/10/21
A3: Well, Number One, your VA Compensation will end as soon as you die. It does NOT automatically revert to her. You are the Veteran so the Compensation is/was YOURS only. What she will be able to apply for is DIC (Dependent Indemnity Compensation). If you die (the Veteran) as the result of a service-connected injury or disease; or die as a result of a non-service connected injury or disease, and who was totally disabled from his/her service-connected disabilities for: At least 10 years immediately preceding death. Any of those two, she would qualify for DIC Benefits: Total monthly payment $1,357.56. plus $336.32 (monthly) for children under the age of 18.
Hope this helps. (RA) 7/10/21
A4: Your disability rating does not determine how much your wife will receive when you die. If a veteran passes from something that they are service connected for, or should have been, then the surviving spouse can be entitled to Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC). The current rate for DIC is $1,357.56. If the veteran was 100% P&T (or IU) for the last 10 years and the spouse was married to the vet for the last 8 of those years, then the spouse would get the kicker of an additional $288.27/mo. Now, if the surviving spouse is Homebound or in need of Aid & Attendance, then they can receive an additional $157.55/mo for HB or $336.32/mo for A&A. The surviving spouse is also entitled to Chap 35 education benefits and CHAMPVA. If the veteran dies from something not related to their military service then the spouse can be entitled to the Survivor's Pension if the veteran had 90 days of active duty service with one day being during a period of war. (DS) 7/12/21
A5: First off you have to be UI for 10 years, unless you die from something your being compensated for, after the 10 years of you die from anything she will get a percentage of your monthly compensation. As to how soon she'd start being paid will depend on how fast the VA gets the paperwork completed. (ML) 7/12/21